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Senator Blumenthal and Representative Pingree Introduce Companion Bills to Standardize Date Labels
"Written by The Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic Today, Senator Richard Blumenthal and Represen...
"Written by The Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic Today, Senator Richard Blumenthal and Representative Chellie Pingree introduced companion bills to standardize food date labels across the United ...
  • NehaNBB Wow, I knew that "sell by" meant that the product was probably good after the sell-by date, but I've definitely thrown stuff out past the sell by day 'just in case.' I'm glad this is finally...
  • GooseBarry @NehaNBB true, but I think we need to rely on our senses like we used to - bad milk smells bad. Maybe a milk sniff test workshop should be held in schools.
juice bar to chicken coop
Our heritage breed chickens love the leftover organic carrot and kale/spinach/dandelion greens pu...
Our heritage breed chickens love the leftover organic carrot and kale/spinach/dandelion greens pulp from Fully Loaded Juicery! #NoFoodWaste
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Radish leaves saved for tonight's pasta (with fresh peas, garlic and chanterelles).
  • Brianne I just started using these after I heard about beet greens. I love this!
  • munchiemummy I love using greens from everything!
  • JenniferEmilson We crisp them up like kale or Brussels sprouts chips all the time. Yummers!
Chickoo Cider anyone ? Leftover produce gets a redux!
While most people tend to overlook local produce, this is a super example of reinvention & cuttin...
While most people tend to overlook local produce, this is a super example of reinvention & cutting wastage.
"These days, chikoo growers from the Dahanu-Golvad belt of Palghar di...
  • RahulRaRa I love chikoo!
  • etsummer This is so great. I've never heard of chickoo; makes me think about what other, similar fruits and veggies are out there that would benefit from this kind of thing.
  • garv @etsummer Chickoo also grows / originated from Mexico. Haven't tried the cider yet , but it sure makes a wholesome milkshake. I've seen it in Florida , when I was there...
Pineapple leather is here and it's 100 times better than any leather you have ever owned : Fashion, News - India Today
For all my #vegan friends.
For all my #vegan friends.
  • etsummer Wow! I had no idea this was a thing!
  • ManjariGovani Very creative ! I will definitely look for one!
  • lauren WHAT! I've been trying to figure out my stance on real/fake leather for a while but this is awesome! And #nofoodwaste! Win-win!
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Wal-Mart, America's Largest Grocer, Is Now Selling Ugly Fruit And Vegetables
"Lots of tasty, nutritious produce ends up in landfills because it doesn't meet retail beauty sta...
"Lots of tasty, nutritious produce ends up in landfills because it doesn't meet retail beauty standards. Now Wal-Mart is testing sales of wonky apples and spuds in hundreds of Texas and Florida sto...
Home in Germany means breakfast on the terrace surrounded by fresh flowers every morning. Fruit oatmeal it is with lots of vitamins 😋♻️🌱
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Garden update! Kale has given me 2 harvests already, Brussels sprouts are coming in, snap peas are flowering, but the Corn has died 🌽😥 RIP
The wind hasn't taken any of these as victims yet, but the Brussels sprouts are getting taller so...
The wind hasn't taken any of these as victims yet, but the Brussels sprouts are getting taller so I'm keeping an eye on them. Big thanks to @akhilg2002 for keeping these nuggets alive and well!
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Leftover Meal Plan Swipes: No Waste Here - The New York Times
An incredible #NoFoodWaste story, but also one about how food waste becomes a problem.
  • MargaretG I love this idea, though.
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I used to donate my meal swipes at NYU and I was aware of the expensive price of meal plans. I think it makes sense to require meal plans for freshmen in dorm housing but otherwise it's another way...
Thought of Foodstand when I saw these WWII posters in the gift shop of the Churchill War Rooms in London.
8yr Churchill War Rooms (Churchill Museum & Cabinet War Rooms)