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Makeover coming for food nutrition labels
"WASHINGTON (AP) — A new look is coming to Nutrition Facts labels on food packages, with more att...
"WASHINGTON (AP) — A new look is coming to Nutrition Facts labels on food packages, with more attention to calorie counts and added sugars. And no longer will a small bag of chips count as two or t...
  • Udi Nice!
  • johannycasillas Good to know. I actually teach a health class and one of the lessons is about the nutrition facts.
Want to know what goes into each Edible magazine issue?
8yr Brooklyn Brewery
What goes into making each issue of Edible magazine? How are the stories chosen? Who is the perso...
What goes into making each issue of Edible magazine? How are the stories chosen? Who is the person behind the photos? Check out this event at Brooklyn Brewery at 8pm on June 1st.
A New Food Label Supports Farmers As They Transition To Organic | Co.Exist | ideas + impact
"Consumer support could help reduce the barriers to organic farming."
"Consumer support could help reduce the barriers to organic farming."
Cortado and a chocolate orange cake at the original and the best, Abraco
9yr Abraço
Cortado and a chocolate orange cake at the original and the best, Abraco
Avocado Toast Galore
MarissaFeinberg's post
  • lauren Woooow almost too beautiful to eat
  • carpe_deli Perfection 😍
  • etsummer I'm envious of these! I've tried and failed to make them so pretty. What's your secret?
See all 5 comments...
Lasagna roll-ups: easy to make, easier to serve and keep! Perfect Saturday evening at home!
Lasagna roll-ups: easy to make, easier to serve and keep! Perfect Saturday evening at home!
Sicilian peasant pie. A tradition that dates back to antiquity - families would take all the leftover cured and salted meats, cheeses, etc. from winter and bake them into a pie to mark the beginnin...
9yr L'Arte Della Pasticceria
Sicilian peasant pie. A tradition that dates back to antiquity - families would take all the left...
See all 4 comments...
A list of affordable superfoods | Well+Good
"You don't have to break the bank to add nutrient-dense, whole foods to your diet, celeb nutritio...
"You don't have to break the bank to add nutrient-dense, whole foods to your diet, celeb nutritionist Kimberly Snyder says."
See all 6 comments...
Make the most of melon season: quick salad of honeydew, cucumber & feta in a lemon, honey, EVOO & poppyseed dressing. Agua Fresca to drink!
  • etsummer Just picked up a honeydew! Looks like I know what I'll be doing with it :) This is gorgeous.
  • gingerandchorizo Another summer salad to die for!
  • JenniferEmilson I love the contrast of the sweet honeydew, the crunchy cucumber, the creamy feta and the bite of the red onion!!
See all 8 comments...
Prison rehabilitation by learning to cook. Great article on an innovative program!
"The hens are free range and the chefs locked up."
"The hens are free range and the chefs locked up."
  • etsummer I've heard of a similar program out here in the Bay Area but it just teaches farming and gardening. Having this added cooking component is even better.
  • Brianne What a fantastic program!
  • mirasingh 87.5% success rate is pretty remarkable. Food can work wonders!