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Check out this New York Times article about our company Imperfect Produce and how we began the movement of "ugly" fruits and veggies!
  • Brianne Welcome to the community. I have read about you guys. Very cool to see you here.
  • Imperfectproduce Thanks Brianne! Very excited to be on Foodstand!
  • BethIsGreen Welcome. This is a wonderful idea. Love to see this on the east coast.
Tapenade Tip #2
A spoonful of Spread-mmms olive tapenade will make an ordinary omelette taste amazing!

Just grab...
A spoonful of Spread-mmms olive tapenade will make an ordinary omelette taste amazing! Just grab some eggs, some Spread-mmms, and whatever #nofoodwaste leftovers are hanging around in your fridge!...
  • spreadmmms This omelette has (in addition to Spread-mmms and eggs) cherry tomatoes, collard greens, potato, and a little goat cheese (left over from a tapenade tasting!). Yum. Who knew wilted collard greens...
Pro tip! Pre-cut your kale. Eat greens all week.
Do you ever buy greens from the farmers market (or grocery) and then let them hang out  in the fr...
Do you ever buy greens from the farmers market (or grocery) and then let them hang out in the fridge, turning yellow and losing nutrients until they're no good - b/c it takes too much time to wash...
  • LezEngel Yes, this is a great way to save greens and make life easier! I like to add a paper towel to the bag to absorb any excess moisture that may hasten their demise.
  • MargaretG @LezEngel thank you! As you can see moisture is an issue for mine so thanks for the tip!!
Used leftover homemade enchilada sauce, cherry tomatoes and some cheese to make a Mexican Shashuka!
  • etsummer Mm bet this would be amazing with freshly made tortillas too. Love the pomegranate!
  • Brianne I bet corn would be a good addition
Senator Blumenthal and Representative Pingree Introduce Companion Bills to Standardize Date Labels
"Written by The Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic Today, Senator Richard Blumenthal and Represen...
"Written by The Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic Today, Senator Richard Blumenthal and Representative Chellie Pingree introduced companion bills to standardize food date labels across the United ...
  • NehaNBB Wow, I knew that "sell by" meant that the product was probably good after the sell-by date, but I've definitely thrown stuff out past the sell by day 'just in case.' I'm glad this is finally...
  • GooseBarry @NehaNBB true, but I think we need to rely on our senses like we used to - bad milk smells bad. Maybe a milk sniff test workshop should be held in schools.
Vegan green goddess. Favorite thing to do with leftover herbs! #NoFoodWaste
etsummer's post
  • BethIsGreen Oh my. Well done. And you got this nice and creamy.
Saving my chard stems to chop and sauté for a snack tomorrow!
Pineapple leather is here and it's 100 times better than any leather you have ever owned : Fashion, News - India Today
For all my #vegan friends.
For all my #vegan friends.
  • etsummer Wow! I had no idea this was a thing!
  • ManjariGovani Very creative ! I will definitely look for one!
  • lauren WHAT! I've been trying to figure out my stance on real/fake leather for a while but this is awesome! And #nofoodwaste! Win-win!
See all 4 comments...
Strawberry Gazpacho
Since strawberries are just getting sweet, now's the time for 
my Strawberry Gazpacho. I have alw...
Since strawberries are just getting sweet, now's the time for
my Strawberry Gazpacho. I have always loved gazpacho, but since discovering that I am allergic to nightshades, I've had to forgo my su...
  • etsummer Yumm just picked up a ton of berries at the farmers market I need to use up, def making this!
  • annefood Oh good @etsummer ! It's super yummy I hope you enjoy!
  • carpe_deli Omg 😍 so gonna make that! Great idea!
See all 6 comments...
Wal-Mart, America's Largest Grocer, Is Now Selling Ugly Fruit And Vegetables
"Lots of tasty, nutritious produce ends up in landfills because it doesn't meet retail beauty sta...
"Lots of tasty, nutritious produce ends up in landfills because it doesn't meet retail beauty standards. Now Wal-Mart is testing sales of wonky apples and spuds in hundreds of Texas and Florida sto...