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How to keep stay motivated at weekend? I kinda struggling with that:(
  • garv Pack your day with fun stuff to do & time your meals well. I agree though , weekends are tough to get by... good luck to ya
  • annefood @finaflorence I totally feel ya. In my weekday routine it's much easier to stay on track. @garv 's advice is great. Having fun is a great distraction. If you're out to breakfast with friends, stick...
  • SallyRogers This one is tough for me! I find that if I have one of my splurge meals times during the weekend, I do better at sticking with a pseudo-weekday routine before and after because I'm so looking...
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Using all the berries I can before they're gone!
"This year here in Toronto, the berries have been absolutely stellar!  It’s impossible to walk by...
"This year here in Toronto, the berries have been absolutely stellar!  It’s impossible to walk by all the little pints and baskets of vividly hued gems at the market stalls, and not want …"
  • christythebaker Looks beautiful and delicious! The oatmeal crust sounds fantastic!
  • JenniferEmilson Thanks so very much!! A showstopper that is super easy to make! @Christi thebaker
Soda Substitute: What's a good substitute for soda? What drinks?
  • Lotta I drink water and sometimes put fruit and berries in it :) Sparkling water seems to be a popular alternative, but I personally hate the taste :D
  • DietID_TeamDietitians @RegannePreece - I totally agree with @Lotta. Putting frozen fruit in water or sparkling water is a great way to add flavor without added sugar. I also like hot cinnamon tea. The cinnamon has...
  • bananazen92 Usually, when looking for alternatives to soda, I turn to tea, fruit/vegetable water, apple cider, plain water, flavored water, or even hot chocolate. There are many different types of tea that...
Almond Flour Snickerdoodles
A wonderful gluten free treat for the holidays!
A wonderful gluten free treat for the holidays!
  • annefood Yum. Using almond flour is such a nutritious and delicious baking choice.
Enjoying meals without meat can be really tasty. Try this Green Risotto, made with bamboo rice, sea asparagus, mint and Grana Padano.
"There is something so relaxing and in-the-moment about making risotto.  I’ve probably waxed poet...
"There is something so relaxing and in-the-moment about making risotto.  I’ve probably waxed poetically (or not poetically to the true poets out there) ad nauseam about how much I love ma…"
Time to shift to a new challenge ?
Day14/14 Level 4 Eat one bite at a time To change to another challenge or take on Level 5? Sugges...
Day14/14 Level 4 Eat one bite at a time To change to another challenge or take on Level 5? Suggestions , ideas & tips , keep 'em coming!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians How are you feeling about it?? If you feel like it's becoming a habit, definitely try another one! We just launched our no food waste challenge
  • garv If it's become a habit , then I owe the foodstand team big! I'm determined to make it a habit & no added sugar is the toughest one out there for me , so , I'm confused! Zero food waste has been...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians So good to hear no food waste is already a rule! Try no added sugar. You get a few free passes so it's not about going cold turkey, but instead cutting back.
How do you.....
Sign off for the day on the No Added Sugar challenge? Logging everything as I go is keeping me on the straight and narrow. But... My day 2 check ins were all going against day 1 ...then it seeme...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Hey Ellie, I'm so sorry you had this issue. Normally, you should be able to check in, and the check in gets recorded for the current day. If you're checking in around midnight, sometimes the...
  • Ellie1601 Thanks Rachna! Will do! :-)
Does maple syrup added to Greek yogurt count as added sugar?
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Avocado what else ?
7yr Achrafieh supermarket
healthyamateurinprogress's post
Lemon poppyseed pancakes
Kitty's post