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Those beautiful veggies went into this chicken stir fry with peanut sauce. I finally figured out my go-to peanut sauce that is super simple. Check it out on my blog :)
Those beautiful veggies went into this chicken stir fry with peanut sauce. I finally figured out ...
Why Trader Joe's Big Move On Eggs Is So Important
"Most supermarkets aren't doing this. But then, Trader Joe's isn't most supermarkets."
"Most supermarkets aren't doing this. But then, Trader Joe's isn't most supermarkets."
  • akhilg2002 Wow. Trader joes really being one of the leaders in changing food paradigms (And I love that their eggs are cheaper than others!)
  • lauren Yes! I feel so much better shopping there than most other grocery stores. Plus the first TJ's is in my hometown so it reminds me of home
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Great to see such progress! I'm glad they are joining the ranks of other food businesses and hopefully this means other grocers will follow
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I'll be on Tech Bites discussing all of our amazing people on Foodstand! 1pm! Tune in!
Spent the best v-day at a local goat dairy.
8yr Harley Farms
Love checking out the places around us making good food! Harley Farms has around 150 alpine goats...
Love checking out the places around us making good food! Harley Farms has around 150 alpine goats in the herd, and are expecting more. We got to see the first two kids of the season, born on Friday...
If you can ever attend one of these events you should
8yr 61 Local
Chef Renee Baumann and Local Roots NYC had a supper club and It was a 4 course dinner of deliciou...
Chef Renee Baumann and Local Roots NYC had a supper club and It was a 4 course dinner of deliciousness. Vegetarian and gluten-free. One dish, which was my favorite, Smoked Beet Tartare with Pastur...
Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam Vodka Tonic
"You make jam in the summer, but you can enjoy it year-round when you make this tasty drink." My ...
"You make jam in the summer, but you can enjoy it year-round when you make this tasty drink." My mum used to make strawberry-rhubarb everything and I love this idea!
Salt-roasted marrow bones with toast from Drake in Bend, Oregon. Bonus: two dogs will be very happy later tonight...
Salt-roasted marrow bones with toast from Drake in Bend, Oregon. Bonus: two dogs will be very hap...
California’s Grand Plan to Fight Climate Change on the Farm | Civil Eats
Jerry Brown and other lawmakers are helping California farmers fight climate change. #foodnews
Jerry Brown and other lawmakers are helping California farmers fight climate change. #foodnews
Sometimes even #uglyveggies need a hand! πŸ‘ˆπŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ #NoFoodWaste
Sometimes even #uglyveggies need a hand! πŸ‘ˆπŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ #NoFoodWaste
Mars to Remove All Dyes from M&Ms and Other Foods