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Black Forest Antioxidant Smoothie. Search for it on 🌿🍫🍦💃😍
Black Forest Antioxidant Smoothie. Search for it on 🌿🍫🍦💃😍
Why the new nutrition labels won't work <- I disagree with this. Do you?
This article kind of boils my blood. It doesn't take into account that nutrition labels were pair...
This article kind of boils my blood. It doesn't take into account that nutrition labels were paired with advice to reduce fat and no info about sugar. So in that case, i imagine people followed the...
  • garv So the rules are made to help companies world over to find a work around. Rather keep it simple , symbols that denote stuff like suited for diabetics , not suitable for pregnant ladies , how...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes!! Totally agree! The many faces of sugar are highly problematic. I hope we can get simplified labels soon. And yes - great idea - we should get the movie teams on this issue!
  • etsummer The line about "maybe it's time to start considering genetically modifying foods to make them healthier" we have that little faith in the public's disrection? yeesh
See all 5 comments...
I’ve successfully made it to Level II!
Fruit-Infused Sparkling Water
Tangerine and blackberry sounds delicious !
Tangerine and blackberry sounds delicious !
Turmeric Eggplant Stew - a fantastic winter recipe that the whole family will enjoy!
And the kids don't even realize how much good for them food and spices they're consuming!
And the kids don't even realize how much good for them food and spices they're consuming!
Crazy! Target's food spectrometer helps identify an apple's age, calories and nutrients.
Granted if you buy from a local farmer this technology is somewhat pointless because you know the...
Granted if you buy from a local farmer this technology is somewhat pointless because you know the apple is fresh. #foodtech #foodnews
  • bbny Cool!
  • mirasingh I guess this is also a good way to teach people about the benefits of local. I'm no expert but I've heard that a veggie loses nutrients every day after it is picked, so the closer you eat to the...
Like I needed more reasons to eat avocado..
20 Reasons Why You Should Eat an Entire Avocado Every Day
20 Reasons Why You Should Eat an Entire Avocado Every Day
  • Udi I love Avocado. But, a whole one every day sounds exhausting.
  • marynfulton2 Agreed. Too much of anything can turn into a bad thing
  • lauren I think I could be up to this. Or at least half an avocado a day.
See all 8 comments...
Pre-workout snack
  • siddharth this is amazing and so nutritious... I am definitely gonna try this for my preworkout
A fast, delicious, nutritious meal for under $2!
Middle Eastern Quinoa with Chickpeas

•	1½ cups quinoa
•	3 cups water
•	½ tsp salt
Middle Eastern Quinoa with Chickpeas Ingredients:
• 1½ cups quinoa
• 3 cups water
• ½ tsp salt
• 3 plum tomatoes, diced
• 1 cucumber, diced
• 4 green onions, diced (use both the white and green pa...
Seared salmon with a spicy twist
I added a charred jalapeño, capers, and garlic chips with a miso, lime dressing.
I added a charred jalapeño, capers, and garlic chips with a miso, lime dressing.