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#FoodRevolution officially kicked off in NYC last night!
Thanks to everyone who came out to last night's #foodbookandfilm chat, especially @diginn @evanha...
Thanks to everyone who came out to last night's #foodbookandfilm chat, especially @diginn @evanhanczor & Michael Moss! We loved when the discussion turned to politics, and Michael Moss asked that...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Such a fabulous evening!
  • NehaNBB @MaureenS I watched it also. I love the part where @evanhanczor got real about the challenges associated with providing healthier school lunches. It's not easy what they are doing, but I'm glad...
Bring back victory gardens! <-- the solution to rising (organic) food costs
"Our grandparents generation had victory gardens to help contribute to the food supply, and doing...
"Our grandparents generation had victory gardens to help contribute to the food supply, and doing this today can help improve health and reduce food costs!" #FoodRevolution
  • JamieOliversFoodRevolution @munchiemummy absolutely! Plus it gets children trying more veg!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians @munchiemummy I recently built a raised bed on my balcony and it was my small effort to grow my own food. I love this blog post because it addresses many of the barriers people feel about growing -...
  • FarmerDave @rachna I saw your photo of your garden. It looks like you used cinderblocks? Was it easy to build? I have space in my yard to plant directly in the soil, but other people in my community are...
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A gift from a student's community garden!
Talk about a #FoodRevolution , love when lessons come full circle and students apply what they've...
Talk about a #FoodRevolution , love when lessons come full circle and students apply what they've learned in Wellness class in their home life 🌱✨
8yr James
Shucking favas and loving spring
Shucking favas and loving spring
T-minus 2 days until the move! Picked up some #organic seeds for my first garden 💚
These seeds were 2 for £1 at Tiger - I couldn't believe it when I realised they were organic! Had...
These seeds were 2 for £1 at Tiger - I couldn't believe it when I realised they were organic! Had to get a few. I can't wait to start my garden when we get into the new house! Marigolds for natural...
Beautiful Artichokes
  • Anke they are gorgeous!
Fresh Blackberry & Vanilla Bean Custard Tarts
You have to love fresh berry and custard tarts during summertime, a French classic for a reason… ...
You have to love fresh berry and custard tarts during summertime, a French classic for a reason…  And, especially delicious if you hunt for the freshest berries (organic if possible) straight from ...
  • SpiceySpice I love smitten kitchen's pie shell recipe too. I use it all the time. The Grand Marnier is a really nice touch.
  • gingerandchorizo Looks delicious!
  • reneedenise @SpiceySpice Thanks, and so nice of you to visit the blog. I always have good faith in Deb--love her blog and Dorie Greenspan is a wonderful baker. :)
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A Quick Look at Local Grains - The Greenmarket Regional Grains Project — i robbed a farmer
"As we all try our best to incorporate local foods into our diets, fresh 
veggies and fruits don...
"As we all try our best to incorporate local foods into our diets, fresh
veggies and fruits don’t seem to be much of a problem. Organic grains and
proteins seem a bit harder to find. However, t...
  • katewilson I get their rolled oats all the time. Really admire this initiative!
  • FarmerDave I tried emmer from here a while back. I didn't even know emmer was a grain, but it was incredibly nutty and hearty - almost like farro's older, stronger big brother or sister.
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Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a f...
Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a few nutritious meals, getting your kids into the kitchen and supporting local food, or even advocatin...
  • Brianne School gardens need to be a staple!
  • JamieOliversFoodRevolution @Brianne agree! Some studies have shown that children who grow their own vegetables are five times more likely to eat them.
  • FarmerDave i second more growing! I've seen it in my own community. Kids and even adults who are part of the growing process have a different appreciation for the food they consume. It's like they treasure...
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Roasted ramp pesto
Got my hands on some ramps from work and made this delicious pesto, Oh how I love spring! #FoodRe...
Got my hands on some ramps from work and made this delicious pesto, Oh how I love spring! #FoodRevolution