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Loving Mothers’ Giant Meals Are a Major Source of Food Waste, Says Study | FWx
"Cooking big family meals with a large variety of delicious and nutritious foods with plenty of leftovers could be a major source of food waste" #NoFoodWaste
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How to Cook with Garlic Scapes
"Love garlic? You need to be cooking with garlic scapes." #NoFoodWaste
"Love garlic? You need to be cooking with garlic scapes." #NoFoodWaste
  • munchiemummy I was just looking for some info on garlic scapes! Perfect. 👍🏼
  • ibikeforfood Just had these last week alongside oven roasted whole fish. Charred and yummy :)
Naan bread leftovers topped with greens and fruit leftovers make super good breakfasts. What would you put on your naan bread?
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Thai veggie curry with food leftovers tastes sooo good. Did you already check my #nofoodwaste set up tips on my blog? Check 💚
Roll out a garden that's designed with an algorithm.
  • FarmerDave Well this makes my life easier. Are you coming out to PA anytime soon?
  • seedsheets Hey @FarmerDave we aren't presenting out that way anytime soon, but we do ship there ;)
  • mmc Is there a story that goes with this post or is it just an image? I want to know more about the subject.
Mobile Pantries Get Food Where People Need It Most
"As food insecurity spikes, food banks are using refrigerated trucks to bring fresh food directly...
"As food insecurity spikes, food banks are using refrigerated trucks to bring fresh food directly to communities nationwide." #foodnews #foodpolicy #NoFoodWaste
  • Aliza genius redistribution solution!
#NoFoodWaste rockstar Keith Carr on Behind The Plate!
"Keith Carr, City Harvest's Healthy Neighborhoods Manager, takes #NoFoodWaste to a whole new leve...
"Keith Carr, City Harvest's Healthy Neighborhoods Manager, takes #NoFoodWaste to a whole new level. Not only does he rescue food that would otherwise go to waste, but he gets it to those who need i...
Fruit just past its prime, but still taste good? Agua Fresca it!
  • lauren how?! looks so refreshing!
  • etsummer Such a good tip!
  • JenniferEmilson You can do this with melons, or berries, anything that can be pureed easily. Add as much water as needed to get the consistency you like, plus lime juice and some sweetener depending on the...
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Talked #nofoodwaste at Food Loves Tech today. Our "Food. Too good to waste" gallery was buzzing, sparking conversations and questions!
8yr food loves tech
Thanks to everyone who stopped in!
Thanks to everyone who stopped in!
Khao Tom Moo
8yr Westport, CT
Khao Tom Moo - Homemade Thai rice soup traditionally eaten in the morning. This comforting dish i...
Khao Tom Moo - Homemade Thai rice soup traditionally eaten in the morning. This comforting dish is made with jasmine rice porridge, minced pork in Nit Noi Pasture Raised Pork Broth with Thai chili ...