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New York, New York
About me
Everything I make I learned from my mom ~~
Back on my chia kick, this time with Jubalí almond milk-- has anyone else tried this new brand?

Emma See jubali.org
DietID_TeamDietitians I haven't tried this but given all the noise about almond breeze and other nut milks, I'm looking for other options. How was this?
Emma I thought the Jubali milk was great but I am partial to O milk (also raw, unheated) because of the flavor
Polenta with soft boiled eggs. Simple Tuesday night meal 💛

DietID_TeamDietitians Do you add cheese to your polenta? I find that it tastes better, but congeals more quickly
Emma I added a bit of parmesan...and had exactly same reaction...yummier but quicker to congeal. Next time I'm going with just a bit of salted butter and cheese only on top ;)
DietID_TeamDietitians Ah yes good point! I also made polenta for the week and opted to keep cheese on the side so after I reheat, I can top and it still tastes good
Our breakfast for dinner tacos 🌮

DietID_TeamDietitians Breakfast for dinner is my fave
marynfulton2 I do this at least once a week! Tacos were on my menu this week too 😊
annefood I made breakfast for dinner last week for the first time in YEARS. Why have I not been doing this?!
Superiority Burger's "new creation" and a couple of sides. Still takes my breath away!
Superiority Burger

sugardetoxme Hi there Emma! Glad to see you on the new app!
lauren I've been meaning to try, but it seems like they're pretty generous with sesame seeds... Such an annoying allergy!