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Creatine's Not For Teens, But Are Budding Bodybuilders Listening?
"Researchers who surveyed 244 shops across the U.S. found that, despite label warnings, two third...
"Researchers who surveyed 244 shops across the U.S. found that, despite label warnings, two thirds would recommend the dietary supplement to a 15-year-old football player trying to gain muscle."
Another look at butter: Not as healthy as olive oil, but better than sugar - The Washington Post
"Researchers found that eating it didn’t seem to have a cardiovascular effect."
"Researchers found that eating it didn’t seem to have a cardiovascular effect."
  • garv I guess the often used phrase , 'moderation is key' still seems the best bet. Be it butter or sugar ...
  • IEatWell Totally agree @garv. Everything in moderation. I've read too many conflicting studies about what's better - this or that. And the answer usually is - nothing is good in excess.
See all 6 comments...
A gift from a student's community garden!
Talk about a #FoodRevolution , love when lessons come full circle and students apply what they've...
Talk about a #FoodRevolution , love when lessons come full circle and students apply what they've learned in Wellness class in their home life 🌱✨
Ancolie up to pitch !!!
mr_good_food's post
All signs point to health: Arrows on grocery floors increased the proportion of produce spending: Consumers spent a greater proportion of their food budget on fruits and vegetables without increasi...
This is an awesome study that shows that in store signage makes a difference. It also shows that ...
This is an awesome study that shows that in store signage makes a difference. It also shows that people don't end up spending more money. This may be a deterrent for grocery stores to implement suc...
Finger food Ideas
avitalsebbag's post
Grocery Labels Explained - all in one place!
So many new names/labels out there - love to see them all in one place with an infographic! 

So many new names/labels out there - love to see them all in one place with an infographic! (Side note - are we supposed to memorize all of this?? No wonder consumers are confused about the right...
Eggplant Zucchini Rolls When sushi becomes booooring
"Avital Sebbag is an certified natural therapist, specializing in nutrition and ancient...
"Avital Sebbag is an certified natural therapist, specializing in nutrition and ancient Chinese medicine. Avital's principle is that nutrition plays a crucial role in the healthy function...
Seaweed On Your Dinner Plate: The Next Kale Could Be Kelp
Just chatted with the chap who invested in this. "Why are chefs adopting sea greens in their cuis...
Just chatted with the chap who invested in this. "Why are chefs adopting sea greens in their cuisine? They're tasty and nutritious, and growing them is good for the planet. Maine's budding seaweed ...
  • mirasingh I recently tried kelp noodles. They were surprisingly delicious!
  • munchiemummy Gosh I hope so. I love all kinds of seaweed! I hope it becomes more widely available.
  • JenniferEmilson So high in nutrients especially iodine which is now lacking in the diet because of reduction in table salt. We snack on seaweed like chips!!
What about juice? - Institute for Responsible Nutrition
It doesn't contain fiber!
It doesn't contain fiber!