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Fruit just past its prime, but still taste good? Agua Fresca it!
  • lauren how?! looks so refreshing!
  • etsummer Such a good tip!
  • JenniferEmilson You can do this with melons, or berries, anything that can be pureed easily. Add as much water as needed to get the consistency you like, plus lime juice and some sweetener depending on the...
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27 Diagrams That Make Cooking So Much Easier
"Including easy ingredient substitutions, basic knife skills, meat marinating times, and more."
"Including easy ingredient substitutions, basic knife skills, meat marinating times, and more."
  • GooseBarry The salad dressing diagram, while simple, is so helpful. I somehow always make mine too acidic.
  • NehaNBB I wish the egg substitute diagram came with a 'best use' indicator. Like bananas work in cakes, and that chickpea water works for mayo.
  • annefood So true @NehaNBB !
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Salvadoran Independence Day Party Friday September 16, 2016 @ 7pm! Location: 16A Orchard street
7yr Chinatown Soup
Pupusas, Tamales, and more!
Pupusas, Tamales, and more!
  • lauren wish I could be in NY for this!!
What Is Aquafaba?
Who knew there was a name for chickpea water! "The hottest ingredient has been hiding in your pan...
Who knew there was a name for chickpea water! "The hottest ingredient has been hiding in your pantry this whole time."
  • simplywithout I had a cocktail with aquafaba this weekend at Vedge in Philly! Amazing!
  • garv Aquafaba , by itself is loaded with nutrients. Add a pinch of salt & pepper , that's it!
How Long Do Spices Really Last? | Tasting Table
"Do spices go bad? It's a question everyone's probably wondered at one point before pushing it ou...
"Do spices go bad? It's a question everyone's probably wondered at one point before pushing it out of mind, because who can replace a whole spice rack? You can."
What's a visit to Ann Arbor without stopping for a sandwich made on Zingerman's famously crafted bread?
8yr Zingerman's Delicatessen
Hard to choose but decided on deli favorites chopped Chicken Liver X Corned Beef. Yum!
Hard to choose but decided on deli favorites chopped Chicken Liver X Corned Beef. Yum!
Middle School Nutrition Lesson to Honor Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution
8yr Hailey, ID
kathrynsunvalley's post
You guys. It's classic tomato sandwich time.
She Wolf sourdough is AMAZING. 

Hawthorne Valley cheese and heirloom tomatoes 🍅🍅 #KnowYourFarmer
She Wolf sourdough is AMAZING. Hawthorne Valley cheese and heirloom tomatoes 🍅🍅 #KnowYourFarmer
  • lauren Wowowowow those tomatoes look incredible! And love She Wolf 😊
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Just picked up some Hawthorne Valley cheese and shewolf bread too!!
  • SpiceySpice Throw some sumac on that next time. It adds a nice kick.
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How to use your food leftovers: fill them into a kumpir/oven potato 😋 Happy Sunday guys !
carpe_deli's post
Sweetcycle Bicycle Powered Gelato Making Workshop
7yr Brooklyn Grange Rooftop Farm Navy Yard
Tickets are $50 and must be purchased ahead of time here:
Tickets are $50 and must be purchased ahead of time here: Come pedal the Sweetcycle – a stati...