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Startup Series #3: FlashFood & The Dirt(y Secret) on Food Waste | Against The Grain
"After returning from a weekend stacked wall to wall with chefs, gardeners, technologists, and en...
"After returning from a weekend stacked wall to wall with chefs, gardeners, technologists, and entrepreneurs at NYC’s first ever Food Loves Tech (more on this later, I promise), I returned to …" #N...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians You should also check out the means database - it's a matching program for food waste donation and pickup. They have a great model in a bunch of states around the US and probably easy to expand to...
  • ainsleigh Thanks for the tip, @Rachna! Definitely going to look into that.
Radish leaves saved for tonight's pasta (with fresh peas, garlic and chanterelles).
  • Brianne I just started using these after I heard about beet greens. I love this!
  • munchiemummy I love using greens from everything!
  • JenniferEmilson We crisp them up like kale or Brussels sprouts chips all the time. Yummers!
Thought of Foodstand when I saw these WWII posters in the gift shop of the Churchill War Rooms in London.
8yr Churchill War Rooms (Churchill Museum & Cabinet War Rooms)
Pineapple leather is here and it's 100 times better than any leather you have ever owned : Fashion, News - India Today
For all my #vegan friends.
For all my #vegan friends.
  • etsummer Wow! I had no idea this was a thing!
  • ManjariGovani Very creative ! I will definitely look for one!
  • lauren WHAT! I've been trying to figure out my stance on real/fake leather for a while but this is awesome! And #nofoodwaste! Win-win!
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Staying hydrated!
All month long we've been celebrating summer, and the importance of staying hydrated in June, Jul...
All month long we've been celebrating summer, and the importance of staying hydrated in June, July & August. From flavoring water with fruit, veg and herbs--- we would love to hear your top tips an...
  • mirasingh I always have a jug of fruit water in my fridge, and usually use fruits that are getting mushy or mint that is wilting. I love adding peaches this time of year. #NoFoodWaste!
  • RahulRaRa Mango pits in fizzy water with a piece of lemon
  • LesleyBL My soda stream is my savior. I used drink a ton of soda and wasted a lot of money and calories on it. With a soda stream, I just experiment with whatever is in the fridge - cucumbers, watermelon,...
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Beeeeee pollem🐝 with leftover blueberries on coconut soy yoghurt in a melon bowl😋 Happy Wednesday and #nofoodwaste
  • sugardetoxme Love having bee pollen in my yogurt, but the apiculturist that I buy it from suggests only have a couple tsps full every morning.
  • garv @sugardetoxme it's fab & pure proteins. It is better to have a little to get the body used to it , prevents any allergic reaction. Try it in a smoothie sometime !
  • carpe_deli Hahaha thanks guys @sugardetoxme and @garv 👌🏼 I actually did not know so now I am nit "over" sprinkling it anymore on my breakfasts 😄
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Summer drinks with cherries in the making🍒🍹 thanks to @sugardetoxme 's idea. Happy Tuesday and #nofoodwaste
Hasbro Made a Wonky Version of Mr. Potato Head to Help Reduce Food Waste
This is AMAZING! Ugly produce is beautiful cc: @ImperfectProduce 
"Picky shoppers only choosing t...
This is AMAZING! Ugly produce is beautiful cc: @ImperfectProduce
"Picky shoppers only choosing the most perfectly-shaped and blemish-free produce at grocery stores has led to a tremendous amount o...
When the person throwing away food is undernourished.
"His story is all too common in America." #NoFoodWaste
"His story is all too common in America." #NoFoodWaste
Prettypretty cherry🍒 still wondering what to make with it. Any suggestions?
  • sugardetoxme Can you make an amazing cocktail and top it off with the cherry?
  • carpe_deli Awesome idea @sugardetoxme you triggered something in my head 👌🏼
  • etsummer I had french toast with other day with an awesome quick cherry compote! Was perfect balance of tart and sweet
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