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Choose life!
evasu's post
Drink out of a straw when drinking water, as you do not have to think about it and it is easy to distract yourself while drinking.
  • Mauneumann This may be true, but the straw produces much more waste because of the plastic. We should also think about eating sustainably!!!
  • Brianne Yes! I actually have reusable straws at home for this reason, but I agree, the straw makes it easier =)
  • NehaNBB I have one of those camelback water bottles that have a straw. It's awesome.
See all 9 comments...
My no added sugar breakfast - plain yogurt with no sugar muesli topped with almonds. Super filling and took 10 seconds to make!
DietID_TeamDietitians's post
  • garv That's my go to brekkie at least 2 days in a week. Add some fresh strawberries or any fresh fruit to up the yum factor!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yep! But we don't have strawberries all year :/ so I usually use frozen berries.
  • BeatrizPaixao What ingredients do you have in your muesli?
See all 4 comments...
Friday Inspiration: A Program We Should All Be Aware Of -- Food Hero
Soooo impressed by the progress Oregon State University has made with their Food Hero social medi...
Soooo impressed by the progress Oregon State University has made with their Food Hero social media and recipe taste testing study! Truly, other areas should seek to mimic and build up on the good w...
Maximising satisfaction (and not mindless eating) means choosing the food you really want to eat. Not just whatever's there šŸ˜Š
Day 11/30: Eat One Bite At A Time Level V
Day 11/30: Eat One Bite At A Time Level V
  • annefood So true!
  • garv Indeed! Ironically even at most homes junk/ processed foods are generally stored in more accessible spots.
  • LesleyBL WOW you've made it to a 30 day challenge?? Keep it up! I'm super impressed. I'm not there yet.
See all 5 comments...
Turkey tail mushrooms for medical teas.
MLapi's post
We vote with our forks all year long, but come Tuesday, November 8thā€”be sure to vote with your ba...
We vote with our forks all year long, but come Tuesday, November 8thā€”be sure to vote with your ballot too (if you're in the U.S.)! This election could have a huge impact on all of usā€”from health to...
  • Becca Tbh, I wish people wouldnt make EVERYTHING about politics. America is screwed by either of the main candidates. We don't need to tax everything we don't like. We don't need DC to babysit our life...
  • annefood It does seem like everything is about politics these days, doesn't it?! And you're rightā€”healthiness is about healthy habits and good choices, which is why we created Foodstand! But unfortunately...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians I totally hear you @Becca - I'm a little politic'd out too. But the food we have access to (or don't) is driven by policies made by our government - both in our towns and in DC. As for the soda...
Everything you know about healthy food is a lie | Fox News
"In September, the Journal of the American Medical Associationā€™s Internal Medicine publication re...
"In September, the Journal of the American Medical Associationā€™s Internal Medicine publication revealed that many of Americansā€™ most prevalent beliefs about nutrition might be bunk."
  • annefood Crazy about the trans fat and serving size!
Thanks @munchiemummy for the cod recipe! This is a great 1 pot dish for veggies, no sugar, and no meat
DietID_TeamDietitians's post
Myths Stripped | Eating Carbs at Night Makes You Fat
"Myths Stripped | Eating Carbs at Night Makes You Fat is a myth busting post about the science an...
"Myths Stripped | Eating Carbs at Night Makes You Fat is a myth busting post about the science and dogmas surrounding eating carbs at night and weight gain."