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Satsumas, freezing the peels with lemon zest. Think I'm gonna use it for the cranberry sauce for thanksgiving ;)
Day 9/14: No Food Waste Level IV
Day 9/14: No Food Waste Level IV
  • annefood Awesome idea @AH01 !
  • SallyRogers Ooooh love this idea!
  • tanjaberko If they're 100% ecological that's a great idea! Otherwise, the peel of citrus fruit often contains loads of chemicals, and you wouldn't like that to thanksgiving, right? Take care!
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Does molasses count as sugar?
Bee's post
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A guide to getting the right temperature for your teas
"My wife just asked me if I had any good recipes from my Chinese Grandmother. I had to think abou...
"My wife just asked me if I had any good recipes from my Chinese Grandmother. I had to think about it for a minute and then came to the realization that my Grand"
Souring On Sweet? Voters In 4 Cities Pass Soda Tax Measures
"Three cities in California, as well as Boulder, Colo., adopted taxes on sugary drinks, a move ai...
"Three cities in California, as well as Boulder, Colo., adopted taxes on sugary drinks, a move aimed at combating obesity."
For a sore throat, cut up some ginger and then mix it with honey and lemon. Chew slowly and do this twice a day until you feel better!!
Unpassions's post
  • Unpassions Questions??
  • lauren You just chew it and spit it out? I've made tea with the same ingredients, never thought to chew 'em!
  • garv I've tried this @Unpassions , works well. The only difference, we make a coarse ginger paste.
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✨Cheer Up World 2017🎀
7yr Barcelona
I honestly can't wait for this cheer camp! ❤️
I honestly can't wait for this cheer camp! ❤️
Tea guidelines
palermonia's post
A Bit Challenging.
This one is a little more challenging, in my opinion. Who doesn't like to have a beer with dinner? So, here I am all excited that it'll be more of a challenge. #BringItOn
  • annefood I had gotten in the habit of drinking a glass of wine every night with dinner too. At first it was annoying not having one when my husband was, but honestly now I just try to think more about the...
  • NicoleDanielle Thanks @annefood alcohol makes me bloated. Wanting to avoid that.
  • annefood Totally agree. It's nice there's another motivation!
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How many ml should the glass of water?
Bee's post
  • annefood Hey @Bee ! Glad you're starting the Drink 8 Glasses Challenge! We consider a glass of water to be 8 ounces, or about 236ml. Good luck - you can do it!
  • FHereford That's about 1.9 liters
  • Bee Thank you 😽 @dani @annefood @FHereford
What to do with smoked mackerel for breakfast?
  • nloai001 I usually have smoked salmon with cream cheese on a bagel (or toast). Maybe your smoked mackerel could be a good sub for the smoked salmon?
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter You could also try smoked fish on homemade avocado toast! It has the same cream texture as cream cheese with a boost of healthy fats.
  • annefood Love those ideas @nloai001 @darkchocolatepeanutbutter ! It could also be good with scrambled eggs.