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Anyone have good savory oatmeal recipes? Will be featured at the Greenmarket!
8yr Union Square Greenmarket
We will be doing a cooking demo at the union square Greenmarket on Wednesday using local grains, and we would love to feature your recipe!
Come to the Farm to City Expo 2016! The theme is "the new marketplace: local food in emerging markets"
8yr Jacob K. Javits Convention Center
This event is hosted by the NY State Department of Ag. Fellow Foodstander @LaVacheQuiRi will also be there!
  • sugardetoxme Welcome to the community and thanks for posting!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Great discussion happening about the real challenges facing restaurants and new distribution in sourcing locally. Baldor and fresh connection are filling a gap
How many of us were told (as a child) or tell our children to "eat everything on your plate"?
Reading a book right now that analyzes old behaviors (in times when food was scarce) that can lea...
Reading a book right now that analyzes old behaviors (in times when food was scarce) that can lead to more finicky eating habits or overreating. My mom would often say this line (or some version of...
  • olivettefarm My Venezuelan mother would not let me leave the table until I cleared my plate. I'm almost 30
    now and I can tell she still wants me to when I come visit her :)
  • JenniferEmilson This can be dangerous. An inner dialogue is created where even if full there will be a feeling of guilt or necessity to clean the plate. And yet our bodies are saying, 'I'm full, don't need more.'
  • ziyizero This can be bad since one might become use to eat a large portion and then can stop from eating a lot, or one might starts disliking eating.
Is dashi the "new" stock?
Who is a dashi fan? I've never made it, but imagine it would indeed be a great stand-in for veggi...
Who is a dashi fan? I've never made it, but imagine it would indeed be a great stand-in for veggie stock. I always used the box kind (except for Thanksgiving when I make my own) and don't mind it a...
  • Udi What is Dashi?
  • annefood @Udi it's a Japanese broth made from water, kombu (kelp) and bonito flakes (dried tuna). The nice thing is that you can make it without fresh ingredients.
If you were a food, what would you be and why?
Have a fun question for everyone! Inquiring minds want to know!
Have a fun question for everyone! Inquiring minds want to know!
What do you think of seal meat?
Alaskan natives bring their cultural cuisine to more people. 

“Where’s the blubber?” is not a ph...
Alaskan natives bring their cultural cuisine to more people. “Where’s the blubber?” is not a phrase you hear often in restaurant kitchens."
Giving away a peanut butter sapel
8yr 2425 kings hwy
Organic raw peanut butter trffle
Organic raw peanut butter trffle
I was in need of a quick breakfast this morning, so I just threw some sprouted bread in the toaster. What are some of your favorite toppings?
marynfulton2's post
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What Is food for you?
 Hi Foodstanders! What is food for you? Last summer I drove around the Italian countryside trying...
Hi Foodstanders! What is food for you? Last summer I drove around the Italian countryside trying to answer that question. The project is now on Indiegogo for people to watch! Let me kmow what you ...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians food is life - I listened to a podcast this morning that talked about how humans have the most powerful brains. It's not because we have the biggest brains, but rather because we cook our food,...
  • Dontstopeating Interesting point of view on the topic thanks! I might have to record you for my #whatsfood ongoing video series ;-)
Restaurant Businesses - Kitchen contsruction
8yr Bedford-Stuyvesant
does anyone know of any contractors for building kitchens? I'm looking to open up a small cafe and have questions about building ventilation systems
See all 5 comments...