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What happens to leftover food in farmers fields?
About 7-10% of the food grown in this country never leaves the farm for a variety of reasons; som...
About 7-10% of the food grown in this country never leaves the farm for a variety of reasons; some is missed during harvest and some is deemed too cosmetically challenged to be sold. Considering th...
Is a tracking app the solution to commercial food waste?
Automated food waste tracking programs can help food service operators record what is being tosse...
Automated food waste tracking programs can help food service operators record what is being tossed, and monitor produce trimming, over-production and over-proportioning, plus food spoilage. #nofood...
  • Riki Great concept.
    It may be hard to induce such cooperation
    As it is not a revenue driving activity to the food industry.
    So , key question is how to make it happen and what type of effective...
  • annefood I would think it would be appealing to individual businesses to whom it would help bring in money: less food waste = less money waste.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Well waste also cost money in hauler fees, so that is one consideration. However at the retailer level, you need to think about the concept of "returns" where unsold inventory is given back to...
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Teaching homemade cranberry sauce today! Perfect no waste recipe, throw in the whole berry! ✨ #NoFoodWaste
Teaching homemade cranberry sauce today! Perfect no waste recipe, throw in the whole berry! ✨ #No...
First time making smoothie with Pak Choi, followed @JenniferEmilson's suggestion! It was delicious! Thanks Jennifer ☺️ #NoFoodWaste
First time making smoothie with Pak Choi, followed @JenniferEmilson's suggestion! It was deliciou...
  • JenniferEmilson It's so healthy, but doesn't have a strong flavour, so totally works! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ» Yay!
#NoFoodWaste November! Our Brussels Sprouts are cooked in an orange confit we created from the peels of the oranges we use for our juices, and a touch of coconut oil. This saves 525 lbs of orange p...
8yr Dig Inn
#NoFoodWaste November! Our Brussels Sprouts are cooked in an orange confit we created from the pe...
Salted pumpkin seed brittle πŸŽƒ #NoFoodWaste
Salted pumpkin seed brittle πŸŽƒ #NoFoodWaste
With parents who grew up in Europe after the war, we learned to waste nothing! My freezer is filled with veggie ends for stock, shrimp peels for bisque, and breadcrumbs! Don't throw out those final...
8yr Grand Harbour Condos
With parents who grew up in Europe after the war, we learned to waste nothing! My freezer is fill...
Happy Thanksgiving! Here's an autumn inspired breakfast parfait to help combat that post-Turkey Day/Black Friday fatigue #NoFoodWaste
Happy Thanksgiving! Here's an autumn inspired breakfast parfait to help combat that post-Turkey D...
Stuffed Roasted Squash
Haha. You're not seeing things. Accidentally deleted the first post!! Not a techie 😜😁Autumn Harve...
Haha. You're not seeing things. Accidentally deleted the first post!! Not a techie 😜😁Autumn Harvest in an acorn! #NoFoodWaste
The easiest appetizer in the world. And no waste! Radishes, top and bottoms, roasted in the oven with a touch of olive oil, salt and pepper. The tops taste amazing. #NoFoodWaste
The easiest appetizer in the world. And no waste! Radishes, top and bottoms, roasted in the oven ...
  • annefood So so beautiful and the spoon is perfection too! Perfect for the photo!
  • lauren I just got radishes in my CSA, I'm going to try this!
  • JenniferEmilson Hi @lauren Its a lovely recipe. Take your radish (halve the larger ones) and coat with olive oil, salt and pepper. Lay out on a parchment lined sheet and bake at 375 for 15 to 20 min, till...
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