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Cooking my way through the Moosewood cookbooks. A great resource for pescatarians!
French Fish Packet with Barley and Dijon Brussels
I need a healthy, filling, and easy to make meal. Any suggestions?
43 million gallons of milk have been dumped so far this year : TreeHugger
"Americans cannot consume all the milk being produced, so much of it is going to waste."
Coffee Flour - Turning Coffee Fruit into a High-Protein Flour
#nofoodwaste Gluten-free! & "Gram for gram, it has more iron than spinach, more fiber than whole ...
ELI5: Why can you feel full after a 600 calorie proper meal, but not feel full after 600 calorie worth of junk food? : explainlikeimfive
"If you eat a dinner with rice, potatoes, meat, vegetables, etc., you can feel (somewhat) full af...
Retirement Day 1 Breakfast: "Whatever is in the fridge / pantry!" (This day will also include a trip to the store!)
Hiking today!!!
Any recipes for infused water that can also detox?
Behind the Plate with the Impatient Foodie: Elettra Wiedemann
"Elettra Wiedemann is the Founder & Editor In Chief of Impatient Foodie where she delves into goo...
Food that is 'generally recognized as safe' is not good enough
"The FDA's final rule on chemicals that are "generally recognized as safe" has large holes that l...