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Did you know??
That 40% of our corn crop winds up in gas tanks as ethanol and about 8 bushels of corn is only 22...
That 40% of our corn crop winds up in gas tanks as ethanol and about 8 bushels of corn is only 22 gallons of fuel BUT is also enough to feed a person for a year. Not a huge proponent of an all-corn...
  • BobDale unbelievable statistics
  • DietID_TeamDietitians This is heartbreaking. We're using so much of our land for fuel for cars instead of fuel for our bodies
  • sugardetoxme Let's talk about antibiotic use too when it comes to animals!
When it Comes to Food Access, are Grocery Store Hours as Important as Location? #FoodNews
"New research takes on an overlooked aspect of the national conversation around food desserts: gr...
"New research takes on an overlooked aspect of the national conversation around food desserts: grocery store hours."
  • mirasingh Hours are really important. Not everyone can get out of work to get food. This is also an issue with farmers markets and CSAs. Markets usually close at 5pm at the latest. I don't expect the farmer...
  • etsummer @mirasingh really good point. I feel the same way--I can't get to our closest farmers market before it closes (at 2pm!) during the week either. I would definitely shop there and more easily support...
This app fights food waste by letting you buy restaurant leftovers : TreeHugger
"No, it's not the unfinished meals left by customers, but rather perfectly good food that would o...
"No, it's not the unfinished meals left by customers, but rather perfectly good food that would otherwise be thrown out at the end of the day."
The New Thinking On Nighttime Eating
"Our nutrition experts believe you can benefit from a bedtime snack. Here's how."
"Our nutrition experts believe you can benefit from a bedtime snack. Here's how."
  • annefood There are a lot of conflicting opinions on eating before bed. Definitely if you are starving before you go to sleep, have a small snack that's easy to digest, and keep it small as the article says....
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Ya, I think if you are going to munch at night, opt for snacks that follow the basic rules for healthy eating-less processed, plant-centric. However speaking from experience, making the right...
How To Improve Your Digestion (with cardamom and no laptops)
"Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body.”
"Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish your body.”
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I tend to underestimate the magic of herbs and spices. I love to add cumin to beans for the flavor and also to reduce bloating.
  • emeyerl What is the benefit of cardamom?
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter @emeyerl The author says that cardamom is supposed to help the gastrointestinal tract (or the digestive system) with digestion and it decreases flatulence and stomach cramps.
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Food to lower cholesterol
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter Hey, great question! There are two types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL. HDL is the healthier type of cholesterol while LDL is less healthy so there are certain foods that can raise HDL levels. Eating...
George Washington Carver cared about sustainable farming before it was cool
"It explains exactly why George Washington Carver was so obsessed with peanuts."
"It explains exactly why George Washington Carver was so obsessed with peanuts."
Does molasses count as sugar?
Bee's post
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Love Inday. Love Chinese and Thai food as well. Anyone know of any healthy spots in NY?
Inday is full of flavor and caters to all diets. So Delicious.
Inday is full of flavor and caters to all diets. So Delicious.
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I've always wanted to go there! Looks amazing. Hu serves paleo food which I like to eat when I don't want any grains. It's on 5th Ave between 13th and 14th St.
  • SimplySeema @darkchocolatepeanutbutter yes, love Hu. Thank you. If you discover any Chinese or Thai spots that you recommend, do let me know. :)
  • lauren Wow need to check it out!
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Move Over Nathan's: Kale Eating Contest to Hit NY Food Festival - Yahoo
"Competitive eating is about to get a whole lot kale-thier.On Saturday, July 9, at 2 p.m., in fro...
"Competitive eating is about to get a whole lot kale-thier.On Saturday, July 9, at 2 p.m., in front of Buffalo's City Hall, a kale-eating contest will take place during the Taste of Buffalo two-day...
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