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seasonal butternut squash hash browns | Jackie Newgent
7yr Williamsburg
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN"
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN"
I love British scone but it lacks the flakiness of an authentic American buttery biscuit. So why not combine the two? #holidaybaking
Kitty's post
6 reasons to stop drinking soda | Beaumont Health Great reasons for ending the need for sofa! And from the hospital in which I work....
7yr Beaumont Hospital
Day 9/14: Avoid Soda Level IV
Day 9/14: Avoid Soda Level IV
All of the things on my plate are leftover and come together for a fast, delicious veggie-filled lunch.
Day 17/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Day 17/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Healthy meal
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
Sweetgreen's guacamole greens salad with my guac shoes👍👍👍
7yr sweetgreen
Day 1/1: Avoid Added Sugar Level I
Day 1/1: Avoid Added Sugar Level I
Drinking water every time you eat and every time you go to the bathroom helps.
Scrambled 🍳
Sautéed red onion, spinach, heirloom tomatoes, and garlic with farm fresh eggs. Topped with some ...
Sautéed red onion, spinach, heirloom tomatoes, and garlic with farm fresh eggs. Topped with some yummy green salsa and cilantro. Happy Sunday!
Got in a cup of blueberries - with no added sugar muesli and a splash of almond milk - for breakfast
Day 1/3: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level I
Day 1/3: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level I
Grow food, not grass, to fight climate change | MNN - Mother Nature Network
"Turning a grassy lawn into a vegetable garden can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,...
"Turning a grassy lawn into a vegetable garden can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, according to a new study." #KnowYourFarmer #BeYourFarmer