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Homemade Pastrami Sandwich - big taste TINY SPACE
8yr City of Baltimore
The amount of effort it takes to make your own deli meat is minimal but it does take a few days. ...
The amount of effort it takes to make your own deli meat is minimal but it does take a few days. Still totally worth it!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians This is awesome. I'm def going to try it bc I really enjoyed pastrami when I went on my NYC tourist quest to Katz's, but the sandwich was the size of my whole head, so I need to try a homemade...
  • BigTasteTinySpace @Rachna I was super concerned that it was going to be gross but it tastes exactly like what you'd get at a good deli. Ditto about needing an appropriately portioned sandwich.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Awesome! I'll make sure to try it when I don't have guests coming over :) thanks for the tip!
Strawberry-Rhubarb Jam Vodka Tonic
"You make jam in the summer, but you can enjoy it year-round when you make this tasty drink." My ...
"You make jam in the summer, but you can enjoy it year-round when you make this tasty drink." My mum used to make strawberry-rhubarb everything and I love this idea!
Salt-roasted marrow bones with toast from Drake in Bend, Oregon. Bonus: two dogs will be very happy later tonight...
Salt-roasted marrow bones with toast from Drake in Bend, Oregon. Bonus: two dogs will be very hap...
California’s Grand Plan to Fight Climate Change on the Farm | Civil Eats
Jerry Brown and other lawmakers are helping California farmers fight climate change. #foodnews
Jerry Brown and other lawmakers are helping California farmers fight climate change. #foodnews
Sometimes even #uglyveggies need a hand! πŸ‘ˆπŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ #NoFoodWaste
Sometimes even #uglyveggies need a hand! πŸ‘ˆπŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ #NoFoodWaste
Mars to Remove All Dyes from M&Ms and Other Foods
Maiz y Poblana Taco y Guacamole con Tortilla Chips #meatlessmondays #gansvoortmarket #tacombi
9yr Tacombi Gansevoort
Maiz y Poblana Taco y Guacamole con Tortilla Chips #meatlessmondays #gansvoortmarket #tacombi
#NoFoodWaste November! Our Brussels Sprouts are cooked in an orange confit we created from the peels of the oranges we use for our juices, and a touch of coconut oil. This saves 525 lbs of orange p...
8yr Dig Inn
#NoFoodWaste November! Our Brussels Sprouts are cooked in an orange confit we created from the pe...
Beautiful interview with Simran Sethi, author of Bread, Wine, Chocolate
Simran, who is a dear friend and an incredible journalist says this about her book, "I write that...
Simran, who is a dear friend and an incredible journalist says this about her book, "I write that this is a book about food but it's really a book about love. I truly mean it. These are some of the...
Alorena, the only D.O. olive variety in Spain. Cracked and marinated available @wholefoods North Atlantic #Boston #Harford #Providence
8yr Whole Foods Market
Alorena, the only D.O. olive variety in Spain. Cracked and marinated available @wholefoods North ...