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10 Quick Steps to Implementing a Mindful Eating Practice
Foodstand team member Anne (you know her as @annefood) wrote this wonderful article on mindful ea...
Foodstand team member Anne (you know her as @annefood) wrote this wonderful article on mindful eating.
Day 1 of 30. Remembering that this is NOT a (temporary or other) diet: it is a focus on healthy habits without deprivation 😇
Day 1/30: Eat One Bite At A Time Level V
Day 2/14: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level III
  • annefood No sweat @Singout ! We all have oops days. Just get back on the wagon today- you can do it!
What are your thoughts on CSAs?
As a farmer I both love running a CSA program and also stress out about it at times. Joining a CS...
As a farmer I both love running a CSA program and also stress out about it at times. Joining a CSA is a wonderful way to eat local, seasonal and at times unique vegetables. It also really helps a f...
  • etsummer I loved when I was a CSA member! The farm where I got my produce used to send out a newsletter with each basket, with a recipe and tips for using some of the not so well-known fruits and veggies,...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians I loved the csa when I was a part of it because it actually simplified food shopping and ensured I tried new things. But I did miss going to the farmers markets.
  • Georegulus Great photo
See all 30 comments...
Another candid review of Juicero - Who comes up with a $700 Wi-Fi-connected juicer? | The Verge
Much has been discussed about the $700 juice machine. Many have invested, others have poked holes...
Much has been discussed about the $700 juice machine. Many have invested, others have poked holes in the idea. This is another pretty critical interview in the Verge - talking about the market for ...
how can i resist temptation?
  • rebecca0716 Get rid of all unhealthy food
  • jeje Ere
  • isaacstsi I will allow myself to crave and indulge myself in manna from heaven Water, fruits, vegetables, spices, and other wholesome, nourishing, nutritious foods; and allow myself to give in to temptation,...
Juicero: The Maker of the Infamous $400 Juicer Is Shutting Down |
"Juicero is now looking for a buyer."
"Juicero is now looking for a buyer."
  • Possum Juicero has run out of juice. The San Francisco-based maker of counter-top cold-press juicers said today that it is shutting down operations....
New food of the week: Pomelo! Like a grapefruit but much sweeter. What new food are you trying this week??
brittanymbarton's post
  • katewilson I tried purslane for the first time when it was in season!
  • sugardetoxme Welcome to the community @brittanymbarton !! I had a Pepino Melon for the first time about a week ago. It's like a a cross between a cucumber and melon. A little on the pricey side but great!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians @mrscorco this is like your challenge! I love pomelo. This isn't a totally new food but a new combo - I tried pumpkin yogurt today and it tasted like pie... But not a ton of sugar. Highly recommend it
See all 16 comments...
The most radical thing the Black Panthers did was give kids free breakfast - Vox
"Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover called the Panthers "the greatest threat to internal securit...
"Former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover called the Panthers "the greatest threat to internal security of the country" when they started their free breakfast program in 1969."
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter It's amazing how initiatives to improve public health are called "radical."
  • sugardetoxme I want to make sure to read this tomorrow. Need a "save" or "fave" button @udi !!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians ok finally read this! It's pretty wild that the Black Panthers were known for their free breakfast program - a simple social service that should be a staple, and not a point of contention.
💖 Brunch. Happy love day!
8yr Health & Yoga w/Seema
Tip: Always eat real colors. Skip processed and have fun with the food on your plate.
Tip: Always eat real colors. Skip processed and have fun with the food on your plate.