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I conquered the The Fill Your Plate with Fruits and Veggies Challenge - 30 days!
Rameshgovani's post
I conquered the The Avoid Fast Food Challenge - 30 days!
masikamali's post
Homemade oatmeal raisinettes cookies. Secret to a perfect shape: freeze the dough and roll the balls, then bake
Homemade oatmeal raisinettes cookies. Secret to a perfect shape: freeze the dough and roll the ba...
Quizzicalhealthnut's post
I conquered the The 5 Fruits and Veggies a Day Challenge - 30 days!
agnesdurr's post
Cheese Tips from a Pro
"A veteran cheese judge shares his technique for REALLY tasting cheese" Tips from a regular on th...
"A veteran cheese judge shares his technique for REALLY tasting cheese" Tips from a regular on the judging circuit to help you sound like a pro at your next tasting party! @culturecheese
It's 4 o'clock, snack time!
Any other topping suggestions?
Any other topping suggestions?
  • sugardetoxme I seriously never thought of almond butter on a sweet potato. Is it good? And did all that talking about baked potatoes get you hungry?? ๐Ÿ˜
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter Yep! I didn't think of almond butter either but I've been using sweet potatoes as a substitute for toast.
  • mirasingh If the logic carries, then I bet avocado a d chili flakes would be great as well.
See all 4 comments...
Kale salad at northern spy
Kale salad at northern spy
Need help with bread recommendations. Anyone find a good bread brand that doesnโ€™t have added sugar?
chertioooo's post
  • readakfkk I love spelt bread. Most grocery stores have store brand options that are just as affordable as the lowest price, refined grain breads.
I made it 4 days on the The Avoid Sweets Challenge!
Elizwis's post