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Veggie packed dinner - shaved Brussels with lemon and grilled veggies with burrata.
7yr La Dulce
Day 9/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Day 9/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Guilty free desert - walnuts, raw cacao, dates, coconut oil - put in the food processor and roll! No processed sugar, no dairy. Mmm :)
7yr City of San Francisco
Day 3/14: Cook Dinner More Often Level IV
Day 3/14: Cook Dinner More Often Level IV
See all 4 comments...
My new blog! Just Enough, Well Fed - A little piece about your liver :)
"Forget the wellness tonics and and juice cleanses, let me introduce your body's best friend."
"Forget the wellness tonics and and juice cleanses, let me introduce your body's best friend."
  • annefood Ah yes the liver. I have been trying to be extra nice to mine lately :)
  • DietID_TeamDietitians I love this so much! The liver is such a critical organ and we tend to shock it with our own extremes of indulgence and constraint. Thank you for the reminder to treat it well and to relax a little =)
Does anyone know some fun or life hacks to use while doing the one bite at a time challenge? Anything is a good idea for me😂
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! Try eating with your non dominant hand - it's super hard to eat quickly. You can also try to put your utensil down between each bite as a good reminder to finish your bite before the next one.
  • Rachel_1125 Thanks! that will help me a lot! I appreciate your helpful tip
Replacing One Sugary Drink With Water Improves Health
"If people replace just one calorie-laden drink with water, they can reduce body weight and improve overall health, according to a Virginia Tech researcher."
Good health in the new year isn't a get-skinny diet, or a miracle superfood. Instead, the best pi...
Good health in the new year isn't a get-skinny diet, or a miracle superfood. Instead, the best piece of advice we can give is to eat a variety of real, unprocessed foods. It's that simple. Here are...
Creatine's Not For Teens, But Are Budding Bodybuilders Listening?
"Researchers who surveyed 244 shops across the U.S. found that, despite label warnings, two third...
"Researchers who surveyed 244 shops across the U.S. found that, despite label warnings, two thirds would recommend the dietary supplement to a 15-year-old football player trying to gain muscle."
Kale salad with garlic roasted chickpeas, avocado, carrot, and pan-seared ginger chicken - 30 min dinner packed with veggies!
Day 5/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
Day 5/30: Eat 5 Servings of Fruits & Veggies Per Day Level IV
After a few weeks of decadent eating, it's time to focus on healthy! Healthy fats and fresh fruit!
JenniferEmilson's post
Can you chew gum while on this challenge?
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Great question! Most gum has either sugar or sugar alcohols. Many dentists also classify gum as candy. Therefore, for the purposes of this challenge, gum is not allowed unless it's medically...