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Vote Mott Street Urban Farm SXSW Eco Panel at: See YouTube video for more background.
The panel is about the LA Community Gardening Council's project that I volunteer manage to build ...
The panel is about the LA Community Gardening Council's project that I volunteer manage to build an urban farm community in working class East Los Angeles, partnering with local high schools, rest...
'Pay as You Wasteโ€™ System Helps South Korea Cut Down On Discarded Food
"With food waste deemed a serious problem in South Korea, municipal authorities have been using R...
"With food waste deemed a serious problem in South Korea, municipal authorities have been using RFID technology to track who's disposing of whatโ€”and now they're going to make sloppy garbage sorters...
  • munchiemummy It's a bit nanny-state, but a good idea nonetheless. I think it would work great in schools/food halls/retail parks but you can't really police the population. I would've gotten fined so many times...
Eat meat daily, die early.
For those of us who are omnivores, we might want to consider doing only Meat on Mondays vs. #Meat...
For those of us who are omnivores, we might want to consider doing only Meat on Mondays vs. #MeatlessMondays. New large-scale study of 1.5 MM people shows that there is a 3.6-year increase in life ...
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The Flaws of Do-Gooder Food Ratings
It's hard to be a mindful shopper, but HowGood wants to help #foodventure #foodnews #FoodRevolution
It's hard to be a mindful shopper, but HowGood wants to help #foodventure #foodnews #FoodRevolution
  • sugardetoxme Isn't there a company that allows you to scan the ingredients โ€” but isn't quite launched yet?
Fairway files for bankruptcy :(
  • munchiemummy So sad. I always preferred those types of supermarkets as opposed to the "upscale" ones when I lived in NYC.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians So sad.. They have been around forever
  • Riki Ouch, Very sad indeed !
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Cream Cheese Bagels topped with Rocket lettuce, lime juice leftovers, spicy cajun shrimps and pine nuts. A real Mothers Day treat!
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Rosemary Romanetti with Passionfruit Ice Cubes and limes. I mostly used what was in my fridge.
Pastaio Via Corta
Help support Pastaio Via Corta, a fresh pasta shop located in Gloucester, MA. We use local & sust...
Help support Pastaio Via Corta, a fresh pasta shop located in Gloucester, MA. We use local & sustainably grown wheats for our pastas that are raised through organic practices.
  • pastaioviacorta @Rachna thank you!
  • annefood Ditto @Rachna ! Supported! This is exactly what Foodstand stands for- someone creating a shop that serves the local community by providing people with a resource to help them get back in the...
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Twist up your drinks with: Passionfruit Ice cubes, there are so many possibilities for #nofoodwaste ice cubes! More coming soon ๐Ÿ’š๐ŸŒฑโ™ป๏ธ
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Eat your microgreens!
This is our mild mix. It includes red Russian kale, amaranth and red cabbage. It's packed with nu...
This is our mild mix. It includes red Russian kale, amaranth and red cabbage. It's packed with nutrients and is very tasty! I love to add these to my breakfast omelets. #FoodRevolution
  • sugardetoxme started growing amaranth and can't get over how beautiful and colorful it is.
  • olivettefarm @sugardetoxme agreed! It's beautiful. I feel like it looks different depending on the angle you're looking at it.