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Wild mushrooms ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ thinking up some recipes to use them!
I'm thinking I'll make some fresh pasta and toss these mushrooms in fresh #local butter, thyme fr...
I'm thinking I'll make some fresh pasta and toss these mushrooms in fresh #local butter, thyme from the windowsill garden, sea salt, and a splash of local cream. I'm making a quiche for dinner toni...
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This baby preying mantis is doing a good job guarding the chives in my stoop garden.
8yr South Park Slope
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Wow!!!!! Super cool!
  • sugardetoxme I just purchased green lacewings for my indoor garden and have had wonderful success with them!
  • LezEngel Any idea of ways to attract green lacewings to an outdoor garden? I've noticed some unsavory characters (white fly larvae, aphids) in my lettuce.
Berry season!
Tonight's berry trifecta. It's a happy start to the summer. I recommend the strawberries  at Unio...
Tonight's berry trifecta. It's a happy start to the summer. I recommend the strawberries at Union Square Greenmarket they're super sweet! #FlavorsOfLight #FoodRevolution #greenmarketnyc
Remember that totally sustainable 'veggie' Sea Asparagus? Here's a fresh recipe! Go find some or ask your independent grocer to source it ๐Ÿ˜‰
"A few weeks back I introduced you all to Sea Asparagus, Salicornia or Samphire. ย  Remember that ...
"A few weeks back I introduced you all to Sea Asparagus, Salicornia or Samphire. ย  Remember that little twiggy thing that is not asparagus or sea weed?" #FoodRevolution
#Tacotuesday with garlic and sweet pepper sauteed bimi and mushroom leftover tacos topped with houmous and pomegranate. #nofoodwaste
Grandma's potato salad brought me back to family BBQs on the porch in just one bite! #FamilyTradition
  • etsummer Gah family recipes are just the best
@EmilyKim taught me how to make shakshuka! So simple and so delicious
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Hamachi sashimi & a Whisky Smash. Yup, my kinda lunch!
8yr Uncle Bo's Haleiwa
Smoked and Ground Peppers
8yr Centro
Another day, another tasty recipe
Jalapeรฑo skillet cornbread made with local ingredients  #FoodRevolution
Jalapeรฑo skillet cornbread made with local ingredients #FoodRevolution
  • etsummer Yuummm love how versatile cornbread can be