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Change up your risotto game: Switch out arborio rice for toasted buckwheat! Asparagus Buckwheat Risotto on the blog
"Buckwheat. It’s not wheat. It’s not even a grain.  Would you believe, it is actually related to ...
"Buckwheat. It’s not wheat. It’s not even a grain.  Would you believe, it is actually related to rhubarb and sorrel? It is, in fact, a fruit seed and is a suitable substitute for gr…"
For the love of all that is sacred, ALWAYS toss your pasta in its sauce before serving!
8yr Hesperides Organica Coop
Cook your pasta to "al dente," remove from boiling water and throw directly into sauce. Keep sauc...
Cook your pasta to "al dente," remove from boiling water and throw directly into sauce. Keep sauce on simmer and toss your pasta, marrying the two heavenly ingredients. It will continue to slightly...
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Learning how to poach eggs! Anyone have tips?
Made a speedy breakfast with @akhilg2002 of mushrooms topped with poached eggs and homegrown basi...
Made a speedy breakfast with @akhilg2002 of mushrooms topped with poached eggs and homegrown basil (yes the basil is still alive!). Not perfect, but these eggs turned out better than before. I trie...
  • JenniferEmilson Yes- while you are waiting for your water to boil, and then drop to a moderate summer, crack your egg onto a small sieve (like you light use for tea) set over a cup. Let it drain all the loose bits...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Oh wow I was stirring like crazy! I'll try this next time. Thanks!
  • marynfulton2 Add a little vinegar to your water! It helps the egg stay together as well 😊
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Love hard boiled eggs, but have a hard time taking the shell off. Any good tricks to share with me?
SimplySeema's post
  • sugardetoxme Don't use fresh ones (unfortunately) and shock with cold water right after boiling.
  • sugardetoxme Also putting eggs in a closed Tupperware and shaking vigorously to shatter the shell works
  • lauren I was told salt will do the trick!
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Fresh cilantro & avocado are two of my kitchen staples. What are some of yours?
marynfulton2's post
  • akhilg2002 My wife is trying to get us to grow plants at home, so now our Basil plant is a source of extra seasoning on half of our home cooking!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Ginger!! I put it in literally everything from soups, to tea, to fish. I don't have an ice cream maker but if I did, I'd probably make ginger ice cream too ;)
  • marynfulton2 Mmm two of my favorites. What would we do without spices and herbs?! They make life better 😊
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Brusselsflower Soup
Hopefully this soup will ward off any cold I may or may not be getting...
Hopefully this soup will ward off any cold I may or may not be getting...
  • SimplySeema Yum! Sounds delicious. Have you used Turmeric before? It's a spice that may help prevent cold/flu and so colorful.
  • LesleyRozycki @SimplySeema I haven't gotten my hands on any yet, but I'll be sure to try it out! Thanks!
  • SimplySeema @LesleyRozycki it's great and won't disappoint. Be careful though to avoid getting it on your clothes bc it stains everything yellow.
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Ganache! Took a great baking class and learned some new tricks!
8yr Buttermilk Bake Shop
MrsXtina's post
Kale is rich in calcium! You don't have to drink milk, just eat your leafy greens!
For delicious kale chips, just toss chopped kale with olive oil, sea salt and pepper, and roast a...
For delicious kale chips, just toss chopped kale with olive oil, sea salt and pepper, and roast at 350 for about 10 minutes, checking often. #kitchentips
With parents who grew up in Europe after the war, we learned to waste nothing! My freezer is filled with veggie ends for stock, shrimp peels for bisque, and breadcrumbs! Don't throw out those final...
8yr Grand Harbour Condos
With parents who grew up in Europe after the war, we learned to waste nothing! My freezer is fill...