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How to keep stay motivated at weekend? I kinda struggling with that:(
  • garv Pack your day with fun stuff to do & time your meals well. I agree though , weekends are tough to get by... good luck to ya
  • annefood @finaflorence I totally feel ya. In my weekday routine it's much easier to stay on track. @garv 's advice is great. Having fun is a great distraction. If you're out to breakfast with friends, stick...
  • SallyRogers This one is tough for me! I find that if I have one of my splurge meals times during the weekend, I do better at sticking with a pseudo-weekday routine before and after because I'm so looking...
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Satsumas, freezing the peels with lemon zest. Think I'm gonna use it for the cranberry sauce for thanksgiving ;)
Day 9/14: No Food Waste Level IV
Day 9/14: No Food Waste Level IV
  • annefood Awesome idea @AH01 !
  • SallyRogers Ooooh love this idea!
  • tanjaberko If they're 100% ecological that's a great idea! Otherwise, the peel of citrus fruit often contains loads of chemicals, and you wouldn't like that to thanksgiving, right? Take care!
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A guide to getting the right temperature for your teas
"My wife just asked me if I had any good recipes from my Chinese Grandmother. I had to think abou...
"My wife just asked me if I had any good recipes from my Chinese Grandmother. I had to think about it for a minute and then came to the realization that my Grand"
Souring On Sweet? Voters In 4 Cities Pass Soda Tax Measures
"Three cities in California, as well as Boulder, Colo., adopted taxes on sugary drinks, a move ai...
"Three cities in California, as well as Boulder, Colo., adopted taxes on sugary drinks, a move aimed at combating obesity."
For a sore throat, cut up some ginger and then mix it with honey and lemon. Chew slowly and do this twice a day until you feel better!!
Unpassions's post
  • Unpassions Questions??
  • lauren You just chew it and spit it out? I've made tea with the same ingredients, never thought to chew 'em!
  • garv I've tried this @Unpassions , works well. The only difference, we make a coarse ginger paste.
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✨Cheer Up World 2017🎀
7yr Barcelona
I honestly can't wait for this cheer camp! ❤️
I honestly can't wait for this cheer camp! ❤️
Tea guidelines
palermonia's post
Great Start of the Day!
7yr GateWay Community College
FHereford's post
Do it for him
giannaz11's post
An Apron Made for Women by Women
A gift idea that goes the extra mile! $10 from each apron sale goes to support culinary education for women.