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My go to snack these days, homemade cinnamon peanut butter with a CSA apple and more cinnamon haha
  • etsummer Homemade cinnamon peanut butter?! Making this asap
T-minus Seven Days Until #FoodRevolution!
Food Revolution Day 2016 is just one week away! This week (in addition to joining Foodstand!) we ...
Food Revolution Day 2016 is just one week away! This week (in addition to joining Foodstand!) we launched the #foodrevolution International Omelette Challenge. It's the ultimate fast food, and de...
  • Brianne My favorite fast omelette filling: arugula and mushroom - because both items cook extremely quickly, are easy to chop, and add a ton of flavor - umami + spice! #FoodRevolution
  • mirasingh achaar like @chitraagrawal's Brooklyn Dehli Achaar. I make this for breakfast often because it takes me 5 minutes, tops!
  • munchiemummy Omelettes are my go-to, chuck-everything-in, lazy weeknight dinner. My favourite is just veggie-tactic: onions, peppers, spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
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Dandelion jam with apple juice and lemon. So fruity and perfect for a warm spring/summer day.
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: 

Make sur...
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: Make sure that you pick the dandelion blossoms in the midday time and in the sun during their season in spri...
Lettuce was a cooked vegetable, before it became mainly a salad ingredient (like spinach). Topped my ramen with windowsill-grown greens πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
  • JenniferEmilson I throw mine into miso soup all the time! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜
  • etsummer I always think it's funny how spinach is often cooked but you don't see many other more delicate greens prepared in the same way. This looks great!
Crispy Ginger Fried Rice
Even better when you cook it with left over rice! Recipe is up on the blog now!  #FoodRevolution
Even better when you cook it with left over rice! Recipe is up on the blog now! #FoodRevolution
1 in every 5 plant species is likely threatened for extinction
Based on the best available estimate, scientists say that 21 percent of all plant species - or on...
Based on the best available estimate, scientists say that 21 percent of all plant species - or one in every five plant species - is likely threatened with extinction. Plants often get valued for di...
Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a f...
Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a few nutritious meals, getting your kids into the kitchen and supporting local food, or even advocatin...
  • Brianne School gardens need to be a staple!
  • JamieOliversFoodRevolution @Brianne agree! Some studies have shown that children who grow their own vegetables are five times more likely to eat them.
  • FarmerDave i second more growing! I've seen it in my own community. Kids and even adults who are part of the growing process have a different appreciation for the food they consume. It's like they treasure...
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Unmanned Grocery Stores Help Improve Access To Healthy Food
'How unmanned grocery stores can help increase access to healthy food.' What do you guys think of...
'How unmanned grocery stores can help increase access to healthy food.' What do you guys think of this? I think these would be most effective if they went hand-in-hand with healthy eating education...
  • garv I think it's certainly worth an experiment!
  • munchiemummy I think, based on the verbiage of the article, that this may have been written in/about the UK, in which case, I think a massive problem is the rising rent for high street shops. There should be...
  • garv @munchiemummy though a large part ,it's not just rents that kill. The advantage larger chains have is massive & actually controls the way we buy. Neighbourhood stores need lesser logistic support &...
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The making of dandelion jam. Dandelion can also be used for porridge, salad and many more πŸ˜‹ recipe will be on the blog soon #kitchentips
  • sugardetoxme I'm so freaking curious about this. So many people spray their lawns here to prevent dandelions from growing, which I always despised. Love seeing dandelions around!
  • Nelson paying attention to this
  • carpe_deli Haha so true @sugardetoxme , it is not the most popular green in the garden, because it spreads so quickly. But it's so pretty πŸ˜„
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Off the grid. Next step, growing my own food.
Installed some state-of-the-art solar panels and now working on the garden. It's time for us to g...
Installed some state-of-the-art solar panels and now working on the garden. It's time for us to get back to the land, produce our own energy and grow our own food. #FoodRevolution
  • etsummer Wow @Nelson is this your land? What are you planning on planting?
  • munchiemummy Awesome! My husband and I are going to be installing solar panels when we buy a home in 2-3 years.
  • Nelson Yep! 32 acres in Northeastern PA @etsummer and thinking of starting with kale and squash. End of frost season here cuz we're in the mountains
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