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How to use your food leftovers: fill them into a kumpir/oven potato 😋 Happy Sunday guys !
carpe_deli's post
Climate change predicted to halve coffee-growing area that supports 120m people | Environment | The Guardian
Cut your meat to save your coffee! "More than 120 million of the world’s poorest depend on the co...
Cut your meat to save your coffee! "More than 120 million of the world’s poorest depend on the coffee economy, a report says, and their livelihoods are already suffering from temperature rises"
Wohooooo, sooo happy when I got this🎉 Thank you Foodstand and @JamieOliversFoodRevolution for this prize. I made a nice meal already 👌🏼
carpe_deli's post
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Leftover Meal Plan Swipes: No Waste Here - The New York Times
An incredible #NoFoodWaste story, but also one about how food waste becomes a problem.
  • MargaretG I love this idea, though.
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter I used to donate my meal swipes at NYU and I was aware of the expensive price of meal plans. I think it makes sense to require meal plans for freshmen in dorm housing but otherwise it's another way...
Kellogg aims for 'halo effect' by placing cereal in the produce section | Food Dive
moving in the wrong direction!! I can't believe this is allowed. Looks like Pollan's rules of 'do...
moving in the wrong direction!! I can't believe this is allowed. Looks like Pollan's rules of 'don't shop in the center of the grocery store' will no longer apply.
See all 8 comments...
Check out this NPR article about how Imperfect is now in Whole Foods!!! Ugly is the new AWESOME!!!
"Lots of tasty and nutritious produce ends up in landfills because it fails to meet retail beauty...
"Lots of tasty and nutritious produce ends up in landfills because it fails to meet retail beauty standards. Now, Whole Foods and Giant Eagle say they're ready to pilot sales of these wonky edibles."
The truth is out! Marcelli Formaggi defines artisan cheese. @HuffPostTaste
"Top shelf organic farmstead cheese and specialty products from Abruzzo, Italy. 

The story goes ...
"Top shelf organic farmstead cheese and specialty products from Abruzzo, Italy. The story goes like this: Bob Marcelli and his family made a family trip..."
Interested in a free book about Eating the Rainbow? (I have some extras from my presentation at BookExpo). I'm an author and nutritionist.
If you want to see a cute video about how we produced the book (and why), please see:  http://tin...
If you want to see a cute video about how we produced the book (and why), please see:
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Backed!! I don't have kids yet, but when I do, I want this to be the first book they read. thanks for sharing!
  • kathrynsunvalley Thanks S0000 much! Happy Food Revolution Day everyone! :)
What Are Garlic Chives: Learn About Growing Garlic Chives In The Garden
Had dinner with friends who grow Garlic Chives and use it in salads all the time. It adds a new f...
Had dinner with friends who grow Garlic Chives and use it in salads all the time. It adds a new flavor to the salad and is great.
  • annefood @Rachna the garlic ones look different than the onion ones!
Scientific proof that Americans basically eat dessert for breakfast - The Washington Post. What are your no-sugar breakfast ideas?
I guess I knew this, but it's more powerful in writing. I fell victim to sugary yogurt this morni...
I guess I knew this, but it's more powerful in writing. I fell victim to sugary yogurt this morning (albeit Siggi's, which has less sugar than most).
  • munchiemummy Weetabix - basically a 100% whole shredded wheat biscuit (literally nothing else in the ingredients), sliced banana and organic milk. Very popular breakfast cereal here in the UK, wish it would...
  • annefood Scrambled eggs or plain unsweetened yogurt with fruit, toasted coconut, toasted pecans, flax seed and cacao nibs.
  • Gwendolyn The video is quite powerful! Interesting about the calorie counts too- Great Britain had a seemingly huge protein and fat packed breakfast that would keep you full for hours and hours, and the US...