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We Asked Food Policy Experts What They Thought of Trump's Plan to Dissolve the FDA | MUNCHIES
"The now deleted proposal is bad news for anybody who relies on food to live."
Cooking my way through the Moosewood cookbooks. A great resource for pescatarians!
French Fish Packet with Barley and Dijon Brussels
I need a healthy, filling, and easy to make meal. Any suggestions?
43 million gallons of milk have been dumped so far this year : TreeHugger
"Americans cannot consume all the milk being produced, so much of it is going to waste."
Coffee Flour - Turning Coffee Fruit into a High-Protein Flour
#nofoodwaste Gluten-free! & "Gram for gram, it has more iron than spinach, more fiber than whole ...
Hello, I just got my gallbladder out and was wondering what are some good healthy foods to eat. Any suggestions?
ELI5: Why can you feel full after a 600 calorie proper meal, but not feel full after 600 calorie worth of junk food? : explainlikeimfive
"If you eat a dinner with rice, potatoes, meat, vegetables, etc., you can feel (somewhat) full af...
Retirement Day 1 Breakfast: "Whatever is in the fridge / pantry!" (This day will also include a trip to the store!)
Any recipes for infused water that can also detox?
Behind the Plate with the Impatient Foodie: Elettra Wiedemann
"Elettra Wiedemann is the Founder & Editor In Chief of Impatient Foodie where she delves into goo...