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Time to get into the kitchen!
Joining the Revolution means starting with the simple step of getting into the kitchen and cookin...
#FoodRevolution officially kicked off in NYC last night!
Thanks to everyone who came out to last night's #foodbookandfilm chat, especially @diginn @evanha...
A gift from a student's community garden!
Talk about a #FoodRevolution , love when lessons come full circle and students apply what they've...
Have y'all seen this #nofoodwaste website?
"We Waste 40% of the food produced in America. The good news: there’s something we can do." #Food...
Since it seems like every frozen food was just recalled...
...freeze it yourself! "We talked to a culinary school professor about how to freeze (and defrost...
Have a Rainbow Day for Food Revolution Day
See more at this post:
A Quick Look at Local Grains - The Greenmarket Regional Grains Project — i robbed a farmer
"As we all try our best to incorporate local foods into our diets, fresh veggies and fruits don...
Joining the #FoodRevolution means that small steps can start at home, by learning how to cook a f...
Eat meat daily, die early.
For those of us who are omnivores, we might want to consider doing only Meat on Mondays vs. #Meat...
Food Revolution Day is tomorrow, so naturally this week's Behind The Plate is with Daniel from @JamieOliversFoodRevolution ! Check it out.
Daniel Nowland is the Head of Technical at Jamie Oliver Ltd. What does that mean? (We had to ask ...