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Rosemary Romanetti with Passionfruit Ice Cubes and limes. I mostly used what was in my fridge.
Farmer Crafts Artwork With Food Waste - Modern Farmer
"Before they land in the compost pile, Ron Bigelow's using hundreds of discarded fruits and veggi...
"Before they land in the compost pile, Ron Bigelow's using hundreds of discarded fruits and veggies to make a statement." #NoFoodWaste
#NoFoodWaste tip: Make pesto from wilted greens and herbs!
I'm sure this is a no-brainer but so easy and such a good way to use up odds and ends in the frid...
I'm sure this is a no-brainer but so easy and such a good way to use up odds and ends in the fridge and pantry. Pesto is so versatile with so many possible combinations of greens/herbs and nuts. I ...
  • Gwendolyn Looks tasty! (Glad I was already planning on cooking pasta tonight!)
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Love this - especially arugula which wilts quickly
  • lauren I was just thinking I should make pesto with my wilting arugula...
See all 4 comments...
Putting sugar on them for additional sweetness. Just a little tip: cut the slices extra thin for faster drying and less oven power. 💚🌱♻️
  • JoanneG What's the best way to dry these? I've always wanted to make dried strawberries.
  • carpe_deli Usually the best way is do dry them in the oven at lowest temperature possible for 2 hours and to flip them around after an hour @JoanneG 😉
Made an Italian roasted beet orzo salad earlier this week. Been having it for lunch everyday - SO yummy.
Zesty Arugula Salad
#NoFoodWaste This is my take on Charlie Bird's Farro Salad. Had to try it after @lauren's post :)...
#NoFoodWaste This is my take on Charlie Bird's Farro Salad. Had to try it after @lauren's post :) Unfortunately, I couldn't find #farro so I opted for some rainbow quinoa. The salad itself was A+++...
Liver Detox Salad — i robbed a farmer
"We all love to detox after a long cold winter and the best way to do so is 
to start with your ...
"We all love to detox after a long cold winter and the best way to do so is
to start with your liver. this salad has three ingredient that were created
by nature to support your liver, detoxify...
  • Brianne I've been getting so much asparagus the last couple of weeks, so this is a great recipe. And I love the 'preparation' =) it's so simple!
  • AugieTreatsGranola I make a similar salad but also add cilantro and lemon. You're right. It really makes you feel great! Thanks!
  • irobbedafarmer @AugieTreatsGranola I love cilantro. Will add some next time. Is great as a heavy metal detoxifier and supports the liver. :).
Dinner reinvented
  • LesleyBL I love baked eggs in bell peppers!
Leftover breakfast and I just so happened to have some bacon from this weeks market . Beyond amazing.
Had some squishy zucchini so whipped up this veggie tagine with #sustainable cod!
It's a great one-pot recipe, great for a plant-based diet, and it's up on my blog! Link in my pro...
It's a great one-pot recipe, great for a plant-based diet, and it's up on my blog! Link in my profile. #NoFoodWaste