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A history of juice- are cold-pressed juices worth the hype?
I had no idea about the history of juice concentrate! With regard to cold-pressed juices, they sa...
Spaghetti squash soufflé
A lighten up version with cashew milk, no flour and less than a teaspoon of raw sugar. Recipe sti...
A Local Apple a Day... Benefits Kids, Farmers and the Environment
🙌🏼🙌🏼 The New York State legislature is reviewing a proposal that would reward school districts fo...
Why Trader Joe's Big Move On Eggs Is So Important
"Most supermarkets aren't doing this. But then, Trader Joe's isn't most supermarkets."
Spent the best v-day at a local goat dairy.
Love checking out the places around us making good food! Harley Farms has around 150 alpine goats...
Harley Farms
If you can ever attend one of these events you should
Chef Renee Baumann and Local Roots NYC had a supper club and It was a 4 course dinner of deliciou...
61 Local
California’s Grand Plan to Fight Climate Change on the Farm | Civil Eats
Jerry Brown and other lawmakers are helping California farmers fight climate change. #foodnews
Mars to Remove All Dyes from M&Ms and Other Foods
#NoFoodWaste November! Our Brussels Sprouts are cooked in an orange confit we created from the pe...
Dig Inn
Beautiful interview with Simran Sethi, author of Bread, Wine, Chocolate
Simran, who is a dear friend and an incredible journalist says this about her book, "I write that...