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How Square Watermelons Get Their Shape, and Other G.M.O. Misconceptions - The New York Times
Great article to clear up some confusion about GMOs - but you'll also see that the idea to provide info on GMOs in QR codes has made it in the bill. oof. Thoughts on this?
Made an Italian roasted beet orzo salad earlier this week. Been having it for lunch everyday - SO yummy.
Leaders of Color Discuss Structural Racism and White Privilege in the Food System | Civil Eats
Such an important read and something I've been thinking a lot about. Equity in our food system st...
Such an important read and something I've been thinking a lot about. Equity in our food system starts with equity in the movement and these are the leaders of that charge.
Blackened Barramundi Sliders with Lemon Tartar Sauce - Australis Barramundi: The Better Fish®
"Best snack ever. The only problem is that you won’t be able to have just one!" #NoFoodWaste #Bar...
"Best snack ever. The only problem is that you won’t be able to have just one!" #NoFoodWaste #BarraMonday Recipe by Nicole Gaffney
Have a RAD(icchio) start to the week with this zesty citrus number.
diginn's post
No more Deboned sardines- ensure to get nutritional benefit from its calcium too
"Whether it’s because they’re economical, intensely flavored or usually found in a can, sardines are widely regarded as low-end fare in the United States. These small, plentiful fish are as nutriti...
  • annefood Such a great fish for so many reasons!
Time short to protect Africa's food supply from climate change
Climate change is real and threatening. Scientists found that up to 30 percent of areas growing m...
Climate change is real and threatening. Scientists found that up to 30 percent of areas growing maize and bananas could become unviable by the end of the century. #foodnews
Friday meditation felt bread
avitalsebbag's post
  • Brianne I also feel like kneeding dough is like meditation. Nature's stress ball =)
Foodstand Spotlight July 2016 Photos Now Up on Facebook!
Our Spotlight photos from this evening's event are up now on Facebook. If you want to watch the L...
Our Spotlight photos from this evening's event are up now on Facebook. If you want to watch the Live video recording, you can do so on Facebook as well. Thanks all for coming!
Cucumber Basil Avocado Soup!! This recipe is super fast and easy to make! Ingredients: 1 ripe avocado 1 cucumber 2 small bunches fresh basil 1 clove garlic 2 scallions 2 cups filtered water 1 ts...
9yr Newport Beach, CA
Cucumber Basil Avocado Soup!!  This recipe is super fast and easy to make! 

1 ripe ...