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If you're in northern Cali, check out Amy's drive thru for locally sourced, vegetarian fast food! Has anyone been here?
8yr Amy's Drive Thru
I had never heard of this place, but I'm glad I read this piece. For all the legacy fast food joi...
I had never heard of this place, but I'm glad I read this piece. For all the legacy fast food joints who find it hard to change to healthier practices, it looks like Amy's has nailed it! Any Northe...
  • annefood Never been but that looks awesome! Love the living roof. It's about time someone did something of the sort!
Foodstanders! What is this? I bought it in Chinatown!
9yr Chinatown
Foodstanders! What is this? I bought it in Chinatown!
Need a last minute Mother's Day gift? Check out @farmtopeople's #ladyboss box!
I got to nominate a #ladyboss maker, and of course I picked the beloved @AMK!
I got to nominate a #ladyboss maker, and of course I picked the beloved @AMK!
Menu suggestion for one year old birthday party.
Can anyone recommend some dishes and dessert for my sons one year birthday party? 

Most of what ...
Can anyone recommend some dishes and dessert for my sons one year birthday party? Most of what I find online are junk foods and those terribly sugary birthday cakes which I will not give to my bo...
See all 7 comments...
Would love for you to come to our Hops Salon at Jimmys No. 43
8yr Jimmy's No. 43
"Do you know why your beer tastes bitter? It’s all because of hops, a lovely flower that makes beer taste better! NY State was once the world’s largest provider of hops, and we’re producing another...
Between full fat milk and skim milk
  • AhmedZ is it true that the skim milk has added sugar? if it's true how come it's not shown on the skim milk nutrition details?
  • annefood Hey @AhmedZ ! Great question. Skim milk does not have added sugar, so you're safe there! (Though there are definitely some skim milk "drinks" that do, so I'm thrilled to hear you're reading the...
  • Radwa Skim milk can act as a lighter alternative to milk when you want to use a lot of it.
See all 6 comments...
SOS - I thought keeping basil in a cup of water would prevent it from wilting. Any other ideas?
reneeeats's post
  • DietIDdietitian Try placing fresh rinsed leaves between sheets of damp paper towels or tucked between the fold of a large damp tea towel. Store in the refrigerator. The jar trick might work better if you cover it...
  • reneeeats Will try this next time. Thank you!
  • Mirsansone I’m always trying to find ways to keep my herbs fresh.
See all 4 comments...
Pepper garlick curry
Message Notification - won’t go away??
I have had a 1 listed on my message box for two days and when I go to it, I never see an unopened message to read.
What am I missing????
Can anyone help me, please?
If I have more I can find them ...
Fruit during sugar detox
Is there a limit on how much fruit you can/should eat during the no sugar challenge? I know it specifically targets added sugars.
  • annefood @ShortAndStrong you are correct- the No Added Sugar Challenge only deals with added sugars. Whole fruit contains fiber that helps your body deal with the sugar load, plus it's not processed and...