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Children should eat less than 25 grams of added sugars daily | American Heart Association
Let's see if this changes anything about school food and marketing junk food to kids!
  • annefood Interesting kids and women are the same.
  • JenniferEmilson Heard this today as well. And toddlers should have NONE. Should be interesting, even with tv advertising etc.
  • LezEngel Wow, this is big. The new nutrition labels, which will separate added sugars from naturally occurring, will help flag those extra sugary products--if people read them!
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Purple snow peas...
Looking these beauties up on the inter-webs and found a fun fact: they're technically a fruit. Th...
Looking these beauties up on the inter-webs and found a fun fact: they're technically a fruit. They're also a good source of antioxidants with that gorgeous purple color. Do you have a favorite wa...
  • NehaNBB They are a fruit?! Had no idea. Are regular snow peas also a fruit?
  • mirasingh I added these these to a party platter with some yogurt dips, and they were so colorful!
  • reneedenise @mirasingh awesome, I love that idea! :)
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Carrot top #Pesto. Swap out basil for your carrot tops and follow your favorite pesto recipe. BOOM โšก๏ธ #FoodRevolution
8yr Diamond Lake
Say goodbye to "barcode cooking" - Say hello to cooking well from scratch -The POWER of my family's dinner plate โšพ๏ธ #Foodrevolution
"The power of our dinner plate"
"The power of our dinner plate"
#FoodRevolution Graduates!
As the 2015-2016 academic year comes to a close, we are celebrating the end of our inaugural year...
As the 2015-2016 academic year comes to a close, we are celebrating the end of our inaugural year at Stanford teaching students the fundamentals in cooking and nutrition. Come fall, we'll extend ...
#Tacotuesday with garlic and sweet pepper sauteed bimi and mushroom leftover tacos topped with houmous and pomegranate. #nofoodwaste
Chia pudding made from strawberry banana leftover smoothie, topped with soy yoghurt leftovers, blueberries, crocant and drizzles of honey.
Tiger Beef Salad. Off the rockers spicy. Just the way I like it.
8yr Uncle Bo's Haleiwa
This was the best grilled corn I've ever had!! Sweet, local, farm to table. YUM!
8yr Hale'iwa Beach House
A Quick Look at Local Grains - The Greenmarket Regional Grains Project โ€” i robbed a farmer
"As we all try our best to incorporate local foods into our diets, fresh 
veggies and fruits don...
"As we all try our best to incorporate local foods into our diets, fresh
veggies and fruits donโ€™t seem to be much of a problem. Organic grains and
proteins seem a bit harder to find. However, t...
  • katewilson I get their rolled oats all the time. Really admire this initiative!
  • FarmerDave I tried emmer from here a while back. I didn't even know emmer was a grain, but it was incredibly nutty and hearty - almost like farro's older, stronger big brother or sister.
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