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Replace saturated fats from butter, lard, pastries,cream with unsaturated fats found in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, oily fish and avocados.
  • annefood Great tip !
  • SuzanneM 100% agree with this tip. I know there is a lot of info out there about fat making a comeback. But it's not about any fat. We need to be eating healthy fat!
  • darkchocolatepeanutbutter Love the tip @evasu! I just to clarify that a vegetable oil like coconut oil can also be saturated but it is still a great alternative.
Don't get more than you can eat and try eating slower since this balances out your digestive system allows you to become more full quickly.
Unpassions's post
  • Unpassions You guys got any questions?
  • KyFish What is your strategy for knowing how much you can eat? At cafeterias where I have to choose my own portions, I never seem to get it right.
  • Unpassions @KyFish First of all, try not to skip meals because skipping your meal may result in you with an abnormally large appetite. Second of all, try starting out with your veggies since these are always...
Drink a glass of water before your food, it will make you feel more full and make you want to eat less!
  • katewhit Okay thanks
  • RahulRaRa Great tip. Sometimes I think I'm hungry when I'm actually just thirsty.
Put An Egg On It! (turn your potential food waste into a tasty meal)
LOVE this idea. Use your leftovers or veggies that are a day away from being bad - top with an eg...
LOVE this idea. Use your leftovers or veggies that are a day away from being bad - top with an egg and you're done! "NOURISH | Something so simple for breakfast can be good for you."
A healthy alternative !! Zipfizz! Just add the mix to a water bottle and shake well!!! You can find it at Costco or even online !
Day 2/1: Avoid Soda Level I
Day 2/1: Avoid Soda Level I
  • annefood Hey @mbayleehall8 ! Welcome to Foodstand! So glad you've decided to join the Avoid Soda Challenge. Unfortunately we don't recommend Zipfizz because even though it's marketed as healthy energy, it...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Welcome @mbayleehall8!! re: Zipfizz, I agree - we don't recommend drinks like zipfizz for the reasons @annefood mentioned above. If you're looking for a fizzy alternative, try regular seltzer or...
No sugar breakfast
For a no sugar breakfast try some Homemade toast and eggs by heating a frying pan with a little bit of salted butter and after fry some scrambled eggs on that same pan, after top the toast with the...
  • annefood Great breakfast @juliasalviati !
  • KyFish I do this as well. But I use this 7 grain bread from my farmers market because it doesn't have any added sugar like some grocery store bread, and it's better for managing my diabetes.
I've always struggled with food.
At the age of 9, I was a competitive cheerleader. I had been doing it for a few years, and after having hours of practice nearly every day a week, I was getting sick of it — quite literally. I was ...
  • annefood Welcome to Foodstand @ciaireee ! Thank you for sharing your story—so many of us can relate to the pressure of feeling like we should look a certain way, or see a certain number on the scale. You've...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians @ciaireee - welcome welcome with open arms! I'm so glad you shared your story. You are completely in the right place - and you are 100% not alone. I was an avid calorie counter for many years and...
  • akhilg2002 Wow.... amazing amazing story. I love that way you wrote that. You rock. Please keep inspiring the rest of us the way you are.
See all 9 comments...
Add lemon juice to your water
By adding lemon juice to your water it gives it taste, helps detox your body and helps increase your metabolism
  • Amieroe that's smart although be careful because to much acid is bad for your teeth :)
  • BethIsGreen I keep one of those lemon juice squeeze bottles in my fridge so it's easier.
A good way to stop drinking soda is to find a healthier alternative like carbonated water. For extra flavor add some lemon or lime slices.
purplebatman's post
Finished enchiladas😻
evehoarty's post