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Naan bread goodness with soy yoghurt dressing, peach, fresh basil, dried tomato chunks&pine nuts. what leftovers would you put on your naan?
  • etsummer One of my favorite easy ways to use up a leftovers is naan pizzas. Whatever kind of sauce you have in the fridge (or avocado) plus roasted veggies, bits of cheese, herbs, etc.
  • sociokim Such a great idea! Basil, peaches, nuts.. Love it!
  • carpe_deli I agree 100% @etsummer there are so many unique versions to make
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#EatTheRainbow : Roasted beet, mushroom, halloumi, raspberries and mint on windowsill-grown lettuce
With a wholegrain mustard vinaigrette. Such a yummy lunch to clear out the fridge before I head t...
With a wholegrain mustard vinaigrette. Such a yummy lunch to clear out the fridge before I head to the farmer's market!! #NoFoodWaste
  • etsummer Where do you get your halloumi? I've had a hard time finding it
Carrots with pea shoot butter
  • LezEngel This looks phenomenal. Just saw pea shoots at the market last week, so I'll have to try this!
  • LesleyRozycki @LezEngel thank you! Let me know how it turns out!
  • lauren Wooow these look great!!
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Cherries, chia, and milled flax on my yogurt this morning.
The cherries were another one of my daily markdown finds at my local co-op; finding as many ways ...
The cherries were another one of my daily markdown finds at my local co-op; finding as many ways to eat them as I can! #nofoodwaste As a kid, my best friend's family had a massive cherry tree and...
Had some squishy zucchini so whipped up this veggie tagine with #sustainable cod!
It's a great one-pot recipe, great for a plant-based diet, and it's up on my blog! Link in my pro...
It's a great one-pot recipe, great for a plant-based diet, and it's up on my blog! Link in my profile. #NoFoodWaste
Slow cooker magic - an easy way to throw in wilted veggies, frozen scraps, and left over herbs
#NoFoodWaste recipe - red lentils, split chickpeas, leftover asparagus, frozen ginger, garlic, wi...
#NoFoodWaste recipe - red lentils, split chickpeas, leftover asparagus, frozen ginger, garlic, wilted onions, a frozen chicken breast, quinoa, and a bunch of your favorite spices - all in a slow co...
Freshen up Old croissants with water and by putting them in the oven.I mashed up the last almost spoiling strawberries into a compote♻️💚🌱
  • DietID_TeamDietitians did the same with my blueberries this weekend! compote forever!
  • etsummer What an awesome tip! I do this with stale bread too
  • JenniferEmilson That's how I get everything from baguettes to dinner rolls back to fluffy insides and crispy outsides!
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Old croissants freshened up in the oven with sprinkles of water topped with tiramisu and strawberry compote make amazing desserts💚♻️🌱
The result: sweet peppers filled with leftovers of corn, tomato, eggplant and chinese cabbage. Super yummy and light. Recipe on the blog💚
For the sweet pepper filling I cleaned out my fridge using pesto calabrese leftovers for the sauce. Refined with veggie spice this was yum😋