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I'll be showing soon how to make Spanish White rice...Stay tuned
Which States Waste The Most Food?
The West Coast seems to be doing better with this food waste issue than the rest of the country. #NoFoodWaste
Strawberry Fields
Everything in this salad was literally all I had in my fridge. I was inspired by the #NoFoodWaste...
Everything in this salad was literally all I had in my fridge. I was inspired by the #NoFoodWaste movement to use up my wilting veggies instead of throwing them out for #compost Not bad! 👍 #straw...
  • Brianne I did this last night. I literally threw everything in a bowl, made a quick dressing, and gobbled it up.
  • nutrichelle That's awesome. It was a spur of the moment!
SpoonLed: the youth movement rescuing our veggies | Jamie's Food Revolution | Jamie Oliver
"SpoonLed: the youth movement rescuing our veggies" #NoFoodWaste
Beet fusilli from @sfoglini with wild caught Alaskan salmon + lots of #leftover veggies made a solidly flavorful #nofoodwaste dinner
Greens were wilted, but a quick sauté with garlic brought them back to life. Made the tomato sauc...
Greens were wilted, but a quick sauté with garlic brought them back to life. Made the tomato sauce with some pretty mushy tomatoes from the farmers market. Simply delicious!
Bread, Resurrected
Stale bread is resurrected for croutons in this smoky kale salad.

Stale bread is resurrected for croutons in this smoky kale salad. #nofoodwaste
Mixed fresh and almost spoiling ingredients such as peaches and camembert on sour-dough bread. Soooo yummy. #nofoodwaste
We all have personal connections to food, and for many of us, the same goes for why we don’t waste it. Do you have a #NoFoodWaste story?
Hello everyone! My name is Eva Fowler, Associate Director, Programs and Communications for ReFED,...
Hello everyone! My name is Eva Fowler, Associate Director, Programs and Communications for ReFED, a nonprofit collaboration of over 30 business, government, nonprofit, and foundation leaders commit...
  • etsummer The Clean Plate Club was prominent in my family as well. It was awesome learning those things so early, and my mom also taught me how to plan out meals and shop accordingly. Definitely helped me...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians I think I was in the same club. My parents were also master reinventers - giving new life to leftovers. I picked up lots of creative tricks from this, and also got very good at planning portions...
Asparagus season is short. Making the most of this member of the lily family. The plant has virtually no leaves: its stems are branches.
  • etsummer Just made a shaved asparagus salad and had never prepared them that way until now. Definitely a fan.
Imperfect produce at A Dutch supermarket chain. So happy that they also engage in #nofoodwaste
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