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#nofoodwaste Strawberry chips for breakfast are a good start into the day. What kinds of fruit chips would you make? Recipe on the blogπŸ’šβ™»οΈ
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kale & couscous breakfast bowl with egg | Jackie Newgent
8yr Williamsburg
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN" #NoFoodWaste
"A "tasteovers by jackie" recipe by Jackie Newgent, RDN" #NoFoodWaste
#meatlessmonday #nofoodwaste creation of muttia - a traditional Gujarati dish made with zucchini and cilantro - stems included!
This is a super healthy alternative to meat substitutes, with a zucchini base. First, shred 2 squ...
This is a super healthy alternative to meat substitutes, with a zucchini base. First, shred 2 squashes and salt the taste. Let the water release (about 30 minutes). Then add a chopped green chili, ...
  • etsummer My roommate just brought home an overgrown zucchini, sounds like this could be a good recipe for it!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes definitely give it a try. It's sooooo delish!
  • JenniferEmilson Most intriguing! Loving the ingredients πŸ‘πŸ»β˜ΊοΈ
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Putting sugar on them for additional sweetness. Just a little tip: cut the slices extra thin for faster drying and less oven power. πŸ’šπŸŒ±β™»οΈ
  • JoanneG What's the best way to dry these? I've always wanted to make dried strawberries.
  • carpe_deli Usually the best way is do dry them in the oven at lowest temperature possible for 2 hours and to flip them around after an hour @JoanneG πŸ˜‰
Takeover Tuesday today: These strawberries are spoiling so quickly. This calls for strawberry chips! In the making β™»οΈπŸŒ±πŸ’š #nofoodwaste
Switching up tabbouleh thanks to the Zahav cookbook! Keep the dressing separate and this salad will last for days!
  • AnitaD Great tip. I make salads in big batches so I can scoop them into a smaller container for lunch with the dressing on the side.
  • Brianne pomegranate in any salad is delicious! I've started deseeding my own because it is so much more affordable to buy the pomegranate whole. I just slice in half, pull away the edges, and whack it with...
  • JenniferEmilson Sounds exactly how I do it! @Brianne
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Wrinkly cucumber? Try this quick and cooling soup just in time for summer, from my latest blog post.
  • mirasingh Question for you @lezEngel - why throw out the seeds in the middle? Do the seeds not blend well? Or is the center just too mushy if the cucumber is already wrinkled?
  • NehaNBB Looks refreshing!
  • LezEngel Good question @mirasingh! Yes, the seeds don't blend well and sometimes with larger and/or older cukes the seeds are really bitter & unpleasant. I usually eat the seeds but decided to leave them...
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Last almost spoiling breads topped with hummus, greens, almost spoiling tomatoes and pine nuts.check out more #nofoodwaste tips on my blogπŸ˜‹
Omnjom, leftover veggies in Asia noodles with Hoisin sauce, made by the boyfriend. His #nofoodwaste engagement is getting better πŸ˜„
Don't waste those veggies, repurpose them! #savetheveggiesusetheveggies
8yr Orange Lake
  • Brianne I always make pesto with leftover wilted greens. great article
  • JoanneG The root veggies tip is great. They stay good for so long, and roasting just extends the shelf life.