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Walmart's Package Labels Aim to Help Cut Food Waste
"Approximately one-third of food produced globally goes to waste annually. Walmart is hoping to c...
"Approximately one-third of food produced globally goes to waste annually. Walmart is hoping to cut that number down with its new food labels." #NoFoodWaste
Real foodies compost - This postcard appeared in my mailbox in SF today!
Was surprised that this mailer came to residents of SF today!

"SF Environment’s new initiative t...
Was surprised that this mailer came to residents of SF today! "SF Environment’s new initiative to increase awareness and proper usage of the green bin proves there’s more to being a foodie than ha...
"Eva Fowler, Associate Director of Programs & Communications at ReFED, is working hard at making ...
"Eva Fowler, Associate Director of Programs & Communications at ReFED, is working hard at making #NoFoodWaste a reality on a national level. ReFED has set the Roadmap for decreasing food waste, and...
Naan bread goodness with soy yoghurt dressing, peach, fresh basil, dried tomato chunks&pine nuts. what leftovers would you put on your naan?
  • etsummer One of my favorite easy ways to use up a leftovers is naan pizzas. Whatever kind of sauce you have in the fridge (or avocado) plus roasted veggies, bits of cheese, herbs, etc.
  • sociokim Such a great idea! Basil, peaches, nuts.. Love it!
  • carpe_deli I agree 100% @etsummer there are so many unique versions to make
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#EatTheRainbow : Roasted beet, mushroom, halloumi, raspberries and mint on windowsill-grown lettuce
With a wholegrain mustard vinaigrette. Such a yummy lunch to clear out the fridge before I head t...
With a wholegrain mustard vinaigrette. Such a yummy lunch to clear out the fridge before I head to the farmer's market!! #NoFoodWaste
  • etsummer Where do you get your halloumi? I've had a hard time finding it
Food Pantries Address a Growing Hunger Problem at Colleges
very cool program #NoFoodWaste
Grated Tomato Sauce Recipe - Bon Appétit
Great for #nofoodwaste!!! "When late-season and bruised tomatoes show up at the market, stock up ...
Great for #nofoodwaste!!! "When late-season and bruised tomatoes show up at the market, stock up and make more tomato sauce than you think you need."
Carrots with pea shoot butter
  • LezEngel This looks phenomenal. Just saw pea shoots at the market last week, so I'll have to try this!
  • LesleyRozycki @LezEngel thank you! Let me know how it turns out!
  • lauren Wooow these look great!!
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Cherries, chia, and milled flax on my yogurt this morning.
The cherries were another one of my daily markdown finds at my local co-op; finding as many ways ...
The cherries were another one of my daily markdown finds at my local co-op; finding as many ways to eat them as I can! #nofoodwaste As a kid, my best friend's family had a massive cherry tree and...
When in doubt, make PESTO!!! Get creative and use kale, carrot tops, or beet greens along with basil. #NoFoodWaste
Imperfectproduce's post