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Study Hall: A good night's sleep may prevent overeating | Well+Good
"Researchers found that sleep-deprived people consumed 549 more calories per day than those who g...
"Researchers found that sleep-deprived people consumed 549 more calories per day than those who got a full night’s rest, regardless of physical activity."
9 Ways To Get More Energy That Have Nothing To Do With Sleep
"Tired of being tired? We feel ya. Back away from burnout with nine not-so-secret solutions for m...
"Tired of being tired? We feel ya. Back away from burnout with nine not-so-secret solutions for more energy daily - plus essential tips for that extra-fatiguing time of the month..."
The New Thinking On Nighttime Eating
"Our nutrition experts believe you can benefit from a bedtime snack. Here's how."
"Our nutrition experts believe you can benefit from a bedtime snack. Here's how."
  • annefood There are a lot of conflicting opinions on eating before bed. Definitely if you are starving before you go to sleep, have a small snack that's easy to digest, and keep it small as the article says....
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Ya, I think if you are going to munch at night, opt for snacks that follow the basic rules for healthy eating-less processed, plant-centric. However speaking from experience, making the right...
Sugar and kids: How to stop it from sneaking into their diets -
"US dietary guidelines recommend that children consume less than 10% of daily calories from added...
"US dietary guidelines recommend that children consume less than 10% of daily calories from added sugars -- but how easy is it to hit that limit?"
  • annefood Great quote: "Sugar doesn't cause disease just because of its calories. Sugar causes disease because it's sugar," Lustig said.
    Also so important!! :
    "Sugar is not a 'toxin' that must be excluded...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes!! It's about less instead if none!
Anthony Bourdain Is Producing a New Film on the History of Food Waste | First We Feast
"Anthony Bourdain and a number of celebrity chefs will take on food waste in a new film."
"Anthony Bourdain and a number of celebrity chefs will take on food waste in a new film."
George Washington Carver cared about sustainable farming before it was cool
"It explains exactly why George Washington Carver was so obsessed with peanuts."
"It explains exactly why George Washington Carver was so obsessed with peanuts."
Let It Bleed (Humanely): We Taste the Vegan "Impossible" and "Beyond" Burgers | Serious Eats
"The last few years have been exciting times for veggie burgers, with two extraordinarily well-fu...
"The last few years have been exciting times for veggie burgers, with two extraordinarily well-funded companies—Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods—releasing what they claim to be plant-based burgers ...
  • NehaNBB I've been making a black bean-based burger at home. I've fed it to many meat eaters and they claim to love it, and it doesn't smell like cat food when it's raw. I'm not sure it really needs to...
Soylent halts sales of its powder as customers keep getting sick - LA Times
"Liquid meal maker Soylent is stopping sales of its flagship powder, warning that a handful of cu...
"Liquid meal maker Soylent is stopping sales of its flagship powder, warning that a handful of customers reported stomach sickness after consuming it."
This is what we need to fight pesticides
"The future isn't here in the sense of you getting your own flying car, but at least easy to use ...
"The future isn't here in the sense of you getting your own flying car, but at least easy to use pesticide detectors are on the way."
Vegetarian Diet Hunger, Protein Foods To Curb Appetite
"I would love to go vegetarian, but every time I try cutting meat from my diet, I end up really, ...
"I would love to go vegetarian, but every time I try cutting meat from my diet, I end up really, really, REALLY hungry. What am I doing wrong?"