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Are you at our #FoodRevolution celebration with @diginn and Michael Moss? Say hi in the comments below!
Our #FoodBookandFilm chat will be on Facebook live if you can't join in person!
Our #FoodBookandFilm chat will be on Facebook live if you can't join in person!
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Ramps and sea asparagus get frittata'd. Recipe on the blog soon! ☺️ #FoodRevolution
JenniferEmilson's post
Leek Pasta
I put this #NoFoodWaste tip at the @Feedbackorg event to practice.
1. Cut the greens off of your ...
I put this #NoFoodWaste tip at the @Feedbackorg event to practice.
1. Cut the greens off of your leeks
2. Wash them thoroughly
3. Boil them for 5-6 minutes in some salted water. Drain.
4. Saute the...
Have a Rainbow Day for Food Revolution Day
See more at this post:
  • DietID_TeamDietitians LOVE THIS so much @kathrynsunvalley. What was most surprising about this?
  • GooseBarry I know we always said eat the rainbow when I was young, but now there are rainbow bagels, and rainbow cereals. Seems like big food has hijacked this very simple saying.
Basmati rice leftovers turned into oat milk rice topped with blueberries, the dandelion rests found in the sieve and honey #nofoodwaste
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Wow did you make this for brekkie?
  • carpe_deli Yesss @rachna πŸ˜‰ my aunty gave me the dandelions n leftovers that were in the sieve, since you can also eat those. They still have this fruity taste mixed with apple juice and lemon from the jam...
  • annefood YUM!
What a wonderful day sharing local foods with students.
MLapi's post
Dandelion jam with apple juice and lemon. So fruity and perfect for a warm spring/summer day.
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: 

Make sur...
Here you can find the recipe for this jam which has this sweet harsh and fruity taste: Make sure that you pick the dandelion blossoms in the midday time and in the sun during their season in spri...
Lettuce was a cooked vegetable, before it became mainly a salad ingredient (like spinach). Topped my ramen with windowsill-grown greens πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
  • JenniferEmilson I throw mine into miso soup all the time! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜
  • etsummer I always think it's funny how spinach is often cooked but you don't see many other more delicate greens prepared in the same way. This looks great!
1 in every 5 plant species is likely threatened for extinction
Based on the best available estimate, scientists say that 21 percent of all plant species - or on...
Based on the best available estimate, scientists say that 21 percent of all plant species - or one in every five plant species - is likely threatened with extinction. Plants often get valued for di...
Throwing it back to the ramp pesto I made last spring. Ramp tops and bottoms and pistachios & some EVOO. Gotta make more!! #FoodRevolution
JenniferEmilson's post