Udi Falkson, Food-Lover
New York, New York
About me
Hi, I'm Udi. I'm one of the folks building this Foodstand app. If you see any bugs or have any suggestions, please send us feedback!!!!
thefoodstand.comYour Favorite Artisanal Food Brand Is Probably Owned by a Huge Company | Mother Jones
"And three more got snatched up this week."
Riki Interesting. I guess it's similar to the startup scene.
whynotfresh So small = good ??
Dear Julia: how much do I need to worry about salt in my food? - Vox

"Dear Julia explains."
Cask from the past: archaeologists discover 5,000-year-old beer recipe | Science | The Guardian

"Chinese find suggests barley was used for booze before being grown for food - and that beer could have played a role in the development of society"
JenniferEmilson Priorities established!
Udi I would try this. For science.
'Eat fat to get thin': Official diet advice is 'disastrous' for obesity fight, new report warns

DietID_TeamDietitians @akhilg2002 - are you going to start telling your patients to eat fat?
GooseBarry I hope this doesn't mean people will go on a fat-eating rampage. That can't be good either.
Makeover coming for food nutrition labels

"WASHINGTON (AP) — A new look is coming to Nutrition Facts labels on food packages, with more attention to calorie counts and added sugars. And no longer will a small bag of chips count as two or t...
Udi Nice!
johannycasillas Good to know. I actually teach a health class and one of the lessons is about the nutrition facts.
Radioactive neon yellow egg insides?
I just cracked an egg into my frying pan and the contents was an extremely bright neon yellow color. Freaked me out a bit, so I didn't eat it. Other eggs from the same carton were totally normal....
Antibiotics that kill gut bacteria also stop growth of new brain cells -- ScienceDaily

"Antibiotics strong enough to kill off gut bacteria can also stop the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, a section of the brain associated with memory, reports a new study in mice. Resea...
A New Food Label Supports Farmers As They Transition To Organic | Co.Exist | ideas + impact

"Consumer support could help reduce the barriers to organic farming."
How to keep your fresh vegetables
Fun video, nice tips.
Gwendolyn Great #kitchentips !
Probiotics Are Useless, GMOs Are Fine, and Gluten Is Necessary | Motherboard

"A roster of nutrition-myth-busting studies were published this week."
Gwendolyn We've been discussing the GMO aspect, and I think most people agree at this point that unless you are sensitive to gluten you should eat it, but probiotics??? It's hard for me to believe that they...
annefood I agree- I don't take a probiotic supplement but I do drink a lot of Kombucha and eat yogurt!
darkchocolatepeanutbutter @Gwendolyn Probiotics are a natural part of the gut system so they're not useless. Yogurt drinks and biscuits probably have small amounts of probiotic activity so that might have influenced the...