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Emily Kim, Food-Lover
Brooklyn, New York
About me
just another 👶🏻 post-grad trying to eat right
w0wm0m.wordpress.comNothing like fresh baked bread for breakfast

lauren Looks like this was perfectly done!
Lunch challenge: Korean Snack Food

From left to right: 만두 (man-du) Korean dumplings, 김밥 (kim-bap), & 떡볶이 (tteok-bokk-i) spicy rice cakes
Brooklyn bread lab pizza

mirasingh whoever decided to put figs on pizza the first time is a genius =)
Brianne Totally agree @mirasingh. I started doing fig and arugula on pizza a few years ago, and it is a game changer.
lauren Ooh almost like dessert pizza... Yum!
Lunch challenge week 4

Kale salad wth lemon juice, Parmesan, and sliced almonds
Tomato galette
Chocolate pudding with whipped cream
Chocolate chip and chocolate cheesecake cookies
Tomato galette
Chocolate pudding with whipped cream
Chocolate chip and chocolate cheesecake cookies