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Hubby always makes me breakfast in bed/sofa/kitchen on Sunday.
Organic free range egg scramble, heirloom tomatoes, chestnut mushrooms, spinach and local cheddar...
Senator Blumenthal and Representative Pingree Introduce Companion Bills to Standardize Date Labels
"Written by The Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic Today, Senator Richard Blumenthal and Represen...
juice bar to chicken coop
Our heritage breed chickens love the leftover organic carrot and kale/spinach/dandelion greens pu...
Vegan green goddess. Favorite thing to do with leftover herbs! #NoFoodWaste
Radish leaves saved for tonight's pasta (with fresh peas, garlic and chanterelles).
Saving my chard stems to chop and sauté for a snack tomorrow!
Chickoo Cider anyone ? Leftover produce gets a redux!
While most people tend to overlook local produce, this is a super example of reinvention & cuttin...
Pineapple leather is here and it's 100 times better than any leather you have ever owned : Fashion, News - India Today
For all my #vegan friends.
Wal-Mart, America's Largest Grocer, Is Now Selling Ugly Fruit And Vegetables
"Lots of tasty, nutritious produce ends up in landfills because it doesn't meet retail beauty sta...
We all have personal connections to food, and for many of us, the same goes for why we don’t waste it. Do you have a #NoFoodWaste story?
Hello everyone! My name is Eva Fowler, Associate Director, Programs and Communications for ReFED,...