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Root veggie soup Perfect for a cold winter day Don't forget a drizzle of Olive oil at the end
Love this edible solution to food waste!
The Lazy Person Pizza.🍕
My fridge isn't very strong in the summertime, so sometimes I have to get creative with my #lefto...
Breakfast idea: make a papaya bowl and fill it with different things that you still have left in the fridge #nofoodwaste
Distract yourself by drinking water through a straw. Putting fruits like lemon or blueberries to flavor the water will help.
Love NYT best-selling author Michael Moss' realistic point of view and sense of humor in today's Behind The Plate!
Michael Moss is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who has most recently developed a...
Vegetarian Diet Hunger, Protein Foods To Curb Appetite
"I would love to go vegetarian, but every time I try cutting meat from my diet, I end up really, ...
Day 1/1: Eat Less Meat Level I
Made It Four Days On The Eat One Bite At A Time Challenge!
This is a difficult challenge, I think, because we are always rushing to finish things and get to...
Some days are harder than others...
Day 14/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV