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Don't waste those veggies, repurpose them! #savetheveggiesusetheveggies
Orange Lake
Zucchini saute with leftovers
Don't throw those onion tops away!
If they sprout greens, you can use them just as you would a scallion. Also, another #DIY #gardeni...
For the sweet pepper filling I cleaned out my fridge using pesto calabrese leftovers for the sauce. Refined with veggie spice this was yum😋
Charred Cauliflower Salad
A simple charred cauliflower salad tonight with a drizzle of leftover spinach korma sauce , cherr...
Harvesting Kohlrabi
We love to shred it and make a slaw with our Napa cabbage. We also cook the leaves low and slow s...
Beautiful heirloom baby beets from my market today. Delicious shaved, or lightly roasted with a dressing made from raspberry vinegar.
EQ Village Markets
Ugly Fruit takes "cosmetically challenged" produce and turns it into apple sauce for everyone!
Including a chai flavored one! Looks delish #NoFoodWaste
Guide to Food, Life After Expiration
40% of food waste comes from our homes. Here is a guide as to how long after the expiration date ...
Sauté leftover rice with olive oil, sea salt and black pepper for an easy boost of flavor.
#FoodRevolution #kitchentips #nofoodwaste