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Ate my servings of veggies before anything else on the plate to avoid becoming full on the other items! Ate less as a result! 👍🏼
#NoFoodWaste #nosugar breakfast in a jiffy.
Day 3/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV

Mashed up leftover cauliflower and mushrooms from di...
Day 3/30: Avoid Sugar at Breakfast Level IV Mashed up leftover cauliflower and mushrooms from dinner last night to make a veggie-packed toast with sprouted grain bread. + hot sauce - obviously :)
  • humvee Such a great idea for a healthy breakfast!!!!
With all this information & research , how come the consumer hasn’t gotten smarter ?
  • annefood Exactly. Which is why we created Foodstand! Processed food makes the big food giants money, and marketing is powerful. It can be hard to sort through the misinformation!
  • garv I guess we start with ourselves & people around us will follow. Although I’m in India , I am glad I discovered Foodstand ! Would be happy to chip in with ideas ...
  • LDA Foodstand has kept me accountable. My husband and I are on a low carb meal plan. We are doing relatively good so far. It has definitely made me more aware of what I was eating.
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Had my daughter
I’ve been privileged to be eating hospital food. I don’t know if that counts as take out but just...
I’ve been privileged to be eating hospital food. I don’t know if that counts as take out but just playing it safe. Wyatt loves his little sister.
  • humvee Congratulations! Such a beautiful family! :)
  • annefood You did it! She is darling, and Wyatt looks so happy! Congratulations!!! What is her name? ❤️
  • NicoleDanielle Thanks everyone. We named her Avalynn. She’s such a treat. Wyatt is being such a sweet big brother.
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Are Any of Those "Healthy" Sugar Alternatives Better for You? | Greatist
A great summary of how glucose, fructose and sucrose impact your body, and why alternative sugars...
A great summary of how glucose, fructose and sucrose impact your body, and why alternative sugars aren't all they're cracked up to be.
  • garv That's quite a read. I'm weaning myself off sugar after December debauchery, admittedly it's not easy.
  • annefood You can do it @garv !
  • garv Thanks @annefood . Weaning myself off sugar , refined flour etc. Priming myself for the real food challenge. It's the first challenge that I gave up midway.
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I know avocado toast is old news, but I liked this one topped with watermelon radish and sumac for an extra bite!
6yr Stonefruit Espresso + Kitchen
Special love goes to Shewolf bakery for the bread!
Special love goes to Shewolf bakery for the bread!
Fruit for breakfast
If I eat a piece of fruit during breakfast, it’s really not too hard to get the rest of my fruits and vegetables the rest of the day.
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes! My favorites breakfasts pair perfectly with fruit. Apples in oatmeal, bananas with muesli, berries and plain yogurt - the list goes on! 👍🏼
  • msantiago Yes! I even like some sliced bananas and strawberries in my cereal! Perfect with honey bunches of oats!!!!
Mysore masala dosa( pancake- creeps)
Breakfast or evening snack
Breakfast or evening snack
  • LDA Looks and sounds yummy! How do you make it? Would love to try it!
Dinner prep in 10 minutes! This veggie-stacked whole wheat pizza is simply perfect for busy nights
I took some short cuts - I used store bought whole wheat pizza dough, had pre-chopped veggies rea...
I took some short cuts - I used store bought whole wheat pizza dough, had pre-chopped veggies ready, and made some fresh tomato sauce that was chilling in the fridge already. All I had to do was st...
....with no sugar, please!!!
Never thought I could drink black Café without sugar.. but now.. I cannot drink with sugar!! It t...
Never thought I could drink black Café without sugar.. but now.. I cannot drink with sugar!! It tasted weird in the begging.. but, I kept going... and now... I don’t drink any sugared drink at all!...
  • DietID_TeamDietitians Yes!!! After a couple weeks of cutting out sugar from my morning coffee, not only do I not miss it anymore, if I have coffee with sugar, it’s too sweet!
  • annefood Woo hoo @paulyne! Amazing how sugar changes our taste buds huh?!
  • paulyne @Rachna yes!! Just like with me.. too sweet!! :)
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