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Kids in bed, husband out so using me time to eat! 👎😒
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level I
  • annefood You can do this @KatePeppiatt ! Get back on the wagon tomorrow. The best way to prevent eating these things are to get them out of the house! Stock up on fresh fruit and dates instead. That way if...
  • KatePeppiatt Thanks @annefood I guess being Easter it was a bit ambitious to try the no sweets, candy, desserts challenge the last few days. I'm starting again today and although there is still chocolate eggs...
  • annefood You're right it can be really hard to try and establish a new habit when there's candy everywhere! I'm so glad you feel better not eating them. Planning ahead for when a sweet craving comes along...
need help
need someone to do the avoid sweets challenge with me for 7 days
  • annefood I'll do it with you @shaneen ! I'll add you as a buddy. I've succumbed to strong ice cream cravings the last two days and need some accountability!
  • garv @shaneen I've completed the challenge, but will gladly take up the next level with you. Unless @annefood wants to stay off ice cream a bit longer !
  • shaneen thanks guys
Watch now! YOUR healthy eating questions—answered!
You asked great questions, and we have answers! Rachna and I talk Challenges, cravings, recipes, ...
You asked great questions, and we have answers! Rachna and I talk Challenges, cravings, recipes, sugar, and more. If you have a question that you'd like us to answer in our next Q&A, send me a dire...
Fresh veggies at Salata!
kerry18's post
Just ran 10 miles!
Day 1/3: Avoid Soda Level II
Day 1/3: Avoid Soda Level II
I'm going to complete this water challenge đŸ’Ș
Day 1/1: Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day Level I
I spied Agave Syrup in my ‘natural’ peanut butter before putting it in my smoothie!
  • DietID_TeamDietitians yes!! so many 'natural' products sneak in sweeteners. Definitely check the ingredient labels on the back of the package. The front of the package is all marketing =).
  • annefood Awesome @ingalls! You’ll come to find that many companies slap “natural” on the label for impact, when the word doesn’t actually have any meaning. Great catch!
Hidden ingredients!!! 😡😡
ElanaG's post
  • annefood Great sleuthing @ElanaG !
  • ElanaG That stinks! I love that spice! It’s an Asian teriyaki mixture used in stir fry
  • annefood @ElanaG you could always combine the key ingredients - sesame seeds, dried ginger powder, garlic granules, salt, onion powder and sesame oil!
See all 5 comments...
Hidden ingredient!!
ElanaG's post
Craving, tired, head feels unsatisfied. Withdrawals are getting worse, but the weird thing is I still feel a little sharper mentally and a little more in control.
Day 1/3: Avoid Sweets, Dessert, and Candy Level II
  • brentreed13 I also feel unsatisfied. Been craving sweets but feel better about myself not having a dessert everyday
  • treed8887 I know, I think I’ve been using sweets everyday to just get me through energy wise. Fruit substitutions have been alright so far.